When it comes to capturing the worldview of New Yorkers, it’s hard to top Saul Steinberg’s famous cartoon entitled “A View of the World from Fifth Avenue.”
A Change in Climate
It appeared where else? on the cover of The New Yorker. The city is in the foreground and, beyond the Hudson River, there is a void dotted with mesas, mountains and hints that Chicago, Texas, Nebraska, Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean exist.
There are no steeples anywhere.
This would have been the perfect cover for a new study by the New York Times hierarchy entitled “Preserving Our Readers' Trust.” The in-house panel decreed that the newspaper must do a better job covering “unorthodox views,” “contrarian opinions” and the lives of those “more radical and more conservative” than journalists inside the Mecca of American journalism.
“We should,” it said, “increase our coverage of religion in America and focus on new ways to give it greater attention. We should take pains to create a climate in which staff members feel free to propose or criticize coverage from vantage points that lie outside the perceived newsroom consensus (liberal/conservative, religious/secular, urban/suburban/rural, elitist/white collar/blue collar).”
It might help, noted the report, if Times editors sought out some “talented journalists who happen to have military experience, who know rural America first hand, who are at home in different faiths.”
A Strange and Forbidding World
This is precisely what the newspaper's “public editor” was describing last year in his column with the infamous headline: “Is the New York Times a Liberal Newspaper?” Daniel Okrent's very first sentence was his answer: “Of course it is.”
Many people criticize the Times for many things, he said, but the “flammable stuff” almost always seems to be linked to faith, family and morality and the most ticked-off people are on the cultural right.
“If you're examining the paper's coverage of these subjects from a perspective that is neither urban nor Northeastern nor culturally seen-it-all; if you are among the groups the Times treats as strange objects to be examined on a laboratory slide (devout Catholics, gun owners, Orthodox Jews, Texans); if your value system wouldn't wear well on a composite New York Times journalist, then a walk through this paper can make you feel you're traveling in a strange and forbidding world,” wrote Okrent.
The editorial page is thick with “liberal theology” and many think the news is tainted, too, he said. The coverage of gay marriage “approaches cheerleading.”
In a recent On the Media interview with WNYC, Okrent gracefully tried to retreat a step or two, acknowledging that he gave the “paper's enemies” ammunition they could yank out of context. The Times isn't really liberal, he said, it's merely liberal on “certain issues, social issues. It is a product of its place and of its people, and I think it's really important for the paper to recognize that and recognize how it is perceived.”
In other words, the New York Times is only liberal on issues such as sex, salvation, abortion, Hollywood, euthanasia, gay rights, public education, cloning and loads of other issues linked to faith and public life.
That's all. But that's enough.
Loaded Terms
Life does look different from the vantage point of Ninth Avenue, and also from Times Square. The self-study panel noted, for example, the urgent need for the newspaper to be careful when it pins “loaded terms” on believers. For example, there are those “fundamentalists” who would rather be known as “Christian conservatives.”
One such religious believer is John McCandlish Phillips, who is known these days as a preacher on Manhattan's upper West Side. But long ago, he was the rare superstar Times reporter with a worn-out Bible next to his newsroom typewriter. Now he is tired of hearing top Times columnists stuck in a “values voters” funk after the 2004 election saying that America has become an oppressive “theocracy” caught up in a “jihad.”
The self-study is a remarkable step forward, especially with its blunt talk about religion and the need for accurate, balanced reporting, said Phillips.
“People at the Times are sensitive, as they should be, to this criticism because they know it is accurate. This document seems to be a call back to the standards that made the Times the foremost engine of news gathering in the history of the world.”
Terry Mattingly teaches at Palm Atlantic University and is a senior fellow for journalism at the Council For Christian Colleges and Universities. He writes this weekly column for the Scripps Howard News Service.