The Kingdom of God

Large portions of the Gospels are dedicated to the Public Ministry of Jesus. It is within the Public Ministry that Jesus announces and explains the profound reality of the kingdom of God. "From that time on, Jesus began to preach and say, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand'" (Mt 4:17). The revelation of the kingdom of God is heard in the preaching of Christ, particularly in his memorable parables, in the miracles which transformed the lives of many, and his merciful outreach to sinners.

"The kingdom of God," wrote Pope John Paul II, "is meant for all humankind, and all people are called to become members of it" (no. 14). Explaining that the kingdom's nature is one of communion among all human beings " with one another and with God, Pope John Paul II added: "The kingdom is the concern of everyone: individuals, society and the world. Working for the kingdom means acknowledging and promoting God's activity, which is present in human history and transforms it. Building the kingdom means working for liberation from evil in all its forms. In a word, the kingdom of God is the manifestation and the realization of God's plan of salvation in all its fullness" (no. 15).

The Church, through the task of evangelization, continues to make known the realities of the kingdom of God. Through preaching, the call to conversion, by spreading throughout the world gospel values, and by the establishment of communities and new particular churches, the universal Church shows that it remains at the service of the kingdom (cf. no. 20). The missionary activity of the Church is directed to all of these, as well as to the relief of suffering, to bringing hope to those in difficulty, to bring light to those in darkness. We will continue our reflections on the Church's missionary efforts. But, let us conclude for now with this reminder of our need to pray for the Church's mission: "We must ask for the kingdom, welcome it and make it grow within us; but we must also work together so that it will be welcomed and will grow among all people, until the time when Christ 'delivers the kingdom to God the Father' and 'God will be everything to everyone'" (cf. 1 Cor 15: 24, 28) (no. 20).

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