“The emperor is approaching!”
That’s what the ancient Romans would have said as they watched the purple-clad “ruler of the world” drawing closer to their city, and the word they used was adventum. We Christians took that word and applied it to our preparation for the approach of the real ruler of the world, the true emperor, on Christmas: Jesus Christ.
But it isn’t just the Incarnation that the Church wants us thinking about during Advent. She also wants us thinking about the end of time, when Jesus returns in glory to judge the world.
At Catholic Exchange, that’s what we do: we help people (including ourselves!) get ready to meet Jesus.
As the editor, I am extremely proud to work with all the excellent writers and theologians who continually pour their efforts onto our site week in and week out. Thanks to them, and to our tireless staff, you and I can immerse ourselves on a daily basis in everything our Church teaches, in all that is good, true and beautiful, in all that is vital to creating a culture of life and of passion for the Lord.
But money is necessary! People have to be paid. That’s not a bad thing: “the laborer deserves his keep.”
When Catholic Exchange gets a little money from our readers, we turn right around and put it directly into an effort to prepare us all for the adventum of the Lord: an illuminating article or an inspiring homily or a beautiful video—anything that helps us increase our knowledge and arm our spirits so that when Christ comes to us we can be ready.
If money can’t help do that, then money isn’t worth much.
So, here’s the pitch: Please visit our donation page and make a gift to Catholic Exchange today!
Whether it’s $10, $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000–even $5,000 or more, your support will enable Catholic Exchange to provide answers and guidance to a world that is positively starving for Christ.
And when you make your donation, will you consider becoming a monthly contributor by choosing that option on the second line of our donation form? Regular, ongoing support provides us with the stability needed to advance our online ministry.
We take our mission very seriously. Please lend us a hand, and we’ll continue to promote the Catholic faith and apply it to everything that is relevant to our lives: politics, art, prayer, human dignity, current issues.
Keep us in business, please. It’s the business of hope!
God bless,
Dan Lord
Editor, Catholic Exchange