Taxes Funding Rape

“A 12-year-old grade school girl had been driven to a County Health Department Clinic on several occasions by a 37-year-old Crystal Lake Middle School teacher who had been having sexual relations with her for 18 months, to receive injections of the contraceptive drug Depo-Provera. Unfortunately, federal Title X regulations prevented her parents from being informed.”

This excerpt from recent Congressional testimony describes a typical case of Title X-sponsored sexual abuse, but the news outlets ignored it. Media outrage on sexual abuse has been remarkably selective. Why? The answers lie in the testimony.

First, consider the age difference between the girl and her abuser. Studies routinely show the younger the child, the older the abuser. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, 50-70% of mothers aged 11-17 are impregnated by men between 20-29 years old. Half of pregnant teens abort.

Second, notice the rape was not reported to police or parents. Taxpayer-funded Title X programs don’t report evidence of statutory rape to parents or police. Children as young as nine are receiving injections of Depo-Provera and surgical implantations of Norplant without parental knowledge or consent. Given the first point, this amounts to government-sponsored rape.

Third, though county health workers distributed the drugs in this example, Planned Parenthood is the leader in contraception distribution and abortion. Abortion clinic personnel are required to report evidence of statutory rape, such as a pregnant minor or a twelve-year-old contraceptive user. However, a recent nationwide survey of 8,000 abortion clinics discovered virtually none of them do. Instead, abortionists tend to actively hide the evidence they are supposed to report. The Connecticut district attorney is investigating abortion clinic personnel complicity in statutory rape. Other states are expected to follow suit.

Fourth, consider the abuser’s job. While the largest group of sexual abusers are relatives, eighteen percent of the eighth through eleventh graders who reported sexual abuse in school were assaulted by school employees. The New York Times found only 1% of public school superintendents took steps to stop an abuser from getting a new position. At least sixteen percent of public school molesters got new teaching jobs. In sixteen percent of cases, the New York Post found school officials delayed or tried to cover up the sexual molestation. Sixty percent of accused public school teachers were simply transferred to desk jobs inside the school district. Forty percent of those transferred were repeat sex offenders. School employees will abuse an estimated 7,500,000 public school children; at least one public school teacher in 20 is believed to have engaged in sexual misconduct with students. Contrast that to the situation of Catholic priests, where the statistics indicate a sexual misconduct rate of one in 560. Despite this, the media went after the Roman collar, not the public school teacher. Yet, even then, they actively ignored the facts behind that one in 560.

How would you respond if a 13-year-old girl, after being fed alcohol, seduced and raped by a 24-year old, said, “Now people say it was a kind of rape… Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape…”? Why “good”? Because the rapist is lesbian. This homosexual rape scene from The Vagina Monologues, described by a Peoria Journal Star reporter as “a romantic friendship,” inadvertently makes the key point the media refuses to discuss. Though homosexuals make up only 1-3% of the population, the New York Post found nearly 20% of school teacher assaults on minors are perpetrated by homosexuals. Gay researchers Karl Jay and Allen Young report a whopping 73% of the gay men they surveyed had engaged in sex with boys 16 to 19 years of age or younger. A study of 229 convicted child molesters found an impressive 86% of offenders who molested boys described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Dr. Judith Reisman, a Kinsey researcher, reports that while the average heterosexual abuser victimizes about 20 children, each homosexual abuser victimizes 150 children.

So why does the news media cover sexual abuse so selectively, ignoring abortion clinic personnel, public school teachers, and Title X administrators, the darlings of the radical left, in order to pursue the much less common abuse by Catholic priests? When it does cover even this abuse, why does it studiously misreport the facts, pretending priestly assaults are examples of pedophilia when the vast majority are actually homosexual — that is the abusers attacked sexually mature but minor boys? To ask the questions is to answer them. Liberals wink when their own offend. Catholics are asked why they give money to their bishops, but Americans must ask why we give money to public schools, Title X, Planned Parenthood, or the play abortionists sponsor and gay rapists love, The Vagina Monologues. How long must taxpayers fund rapists?

Copyright 2003, Steve Kellmeyer, all rights reserved.

Steve Kellmeyer is a nationally-known author and lecturer, specializing in apologetics and catechetics. His books, talks and teaching tools, including the popular Calendar of Indulgences, are available through Bridegroom Press If you would like to comment on his columns or other writings, please visit

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