In May this year, a group of pro-life students at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) set up a display of white crosses to memorialize those children killed in the US by abortion. Such displays are popular with student groups as an affordable means of emphasizing the loss of life brought about by abortion, and are often vandalized by abortion supporters.
True to form, a feminist professor incited a group of students to destroy the Northern Kentucky University display and its accompanying sign. Unlike Canada, however, the story at NKU has a happy ending for the pro-life advocates. The professor, Sally Jacobsen, was removed from her position as head of the women’s studies program and briefly faced charges of solicitation, criminal mischief and theft by unlawful taking.
The students she led have, as a condition of having criminal mischief charges dropped, agreed to write letters of apology to the campus pro-life group, Northern Kentucky Right to Life (NKRL). The letters were to be published in the Northerner, NKU's campus newspaper. Three letters have been published so far. One was a straightforward apology as per the court agreement.
A public apology, however, was apparently too tempting a venue for the other two campus abortion activists, especially Michelle Lynn Cruey, to resist. While one paragraph contains a clear apology – though not for having committed the act – the rest of Cruey's letter is an undisguised reprimand to the pro-life group for having dared to make a statement against abortion.
Cruey wrote, “I am regretful and sorry for any discomforting emotions my actions may have aroused.”
She goes on to lecture the pro-life group saying, “I did not only feel remorse and sorrow for those unborn, but pain and sympathy for the mothers who for whatever reason felt as though they had no other choice but to use this practice. I also felt anger that religion, my own forgiving faith, appeared to be persecuting these women instead of offering refuge. Surprisingly, I discovered I was not alone in my disapproval.”
Cruey ends her letter with, “Our religious views and salvation are not tools to condemn and turn our backs, but are tools to help love and lead by our own understanding and forgiveness.”
The letter by student Heather Nelson is also more of a justification for her actions. She does eventually end her letter with, 'I again apologize to those who were offended or hurt by my actions.”
(This article courtesy of