Spiritual Desolation

Desolation can last a week, a month, or linger on for years. But the important question is what should we do when we experience it? How should we act when we are bombarded with desolation? St. Ignatius gives some solid principles. He says:

“In time of desolation one should never make a change, but stand firm and constant in the resolutions and decisions which guided him the day before the desolation, or to the decision which he concluded in the preceding consolations. For just as the good spirit guides in consolation, so in the desolation the evil spirit guides and counsels. Following the counsels of this latter spirit one can find the correct way to a right decision.

“Although in desolation we should not change our earlier resolutions, it would be very advantageous to intensify our activity against the desolations. This can be done by insisting more on prayer and by increasing our penance in some suitable manner.

“One who is in desolation should consider that our Lord, in order to try him, has left him to his own natural powers to resist the different agitations and tempations of the enemy. He can resist with divine help, which is always available to him even though he may not clearly perceive it. Although the Lord has withdrawn from him His great fervor, He has nevertheless left him sufficient grace for eternal salvation.”

In other words, when in desolation — just hang in there! Pray more. Do some extra penance. Persevere. Do not make any radical, life-changing decisions in your life. Just be faithful to the spiritual resolutions you had already made before the desolation hit. The pain, suffering, loneliness and torment will eventually go away.

The cause of our disconsolations may be one of these three:

1. We are negligent in our spiritual life, and consolations are therefore withdrawn from us.

2. God may be testing our worth by withdrawing his consolations and special graces.

3. God may wish to give us the understanding that it is not within our power to aquire great devotion, but that it is his gift.

So pray, understand, hold on … believe.

Fr. Sullivan, M.J., is a priest with the Miles Jesu order. Miles Jesu is an Institute of Consecrated Life dedicated to promoting reverence to the Blessed Sacrament, devotion to Our Lady and faithfulness to the official teachings of the Church. For information on Miles Jesu and its Seminary Program, please call 1-800-654-7945 or visit their website at www.MilesJesu.com.

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