Spanish Government Seeks to Force Homosexual Indoctrination on Students Living Abroad

The Spanish government has now begun to reach beyond its borders to force students into a new homosexualist indoctrination program.

Parents of Spanish students attending the Spanish Giner de los Rios Institute, located in Lisbon, Portugal, have received notification that the Spanish Embassy is requiring them to submit their children to "Education for Citizenship and Human Rights" classes, which seek to "revise the student’s attitudes to homosexuality" and to teach them to conform to the moral standards set by "society" rather than those of their religious traditions.

The order was reportedly given by Spain’s Education Minister, Mercedes Cabrera, based on the claim that the government can compel all students to attend classes in accordance with a recent Supreme Court ruling.

The parents have united under the banner of the "Portuguese Platform for Freedom of Education," and are denouncing the attempt to force the classes on their children.

In a written statement, the Platform pointed out that the Spanish Supreme Court has not yet issued a general decision on the issue of whether or not "Education for Citizenship" can be forced on students generally, thereby nullifying any authority the government has to give such an order.

The Supreme Court recently ruled against four families seeking exemption on the grounds of conscience, but has not yet formally published its general decision on the right of conscientious objection in relation to the classes.

The notification issued by the embassy, "presumes to coerce parents and students to attend the citizenship classes, basing itself on the decision of the Supreme Court," the Platform states.  "This is unacceptable given that the sentence and its contents are not known, and given that the decision of the Supreme Court has been made with respect to four concrete cases of particular objections."

"Education for Citizenship," a project of Spain’s socialist president Jose Rodriguez Zapatero, is mandatory for all Spanish schools, public or private.  However, many families are refusing to participate, and some schools are refusing to teach objectionable content.  The courts of Andalucia, a group of provinces in southern Spain, are allowing parents to continue to exempt their children from classes despite the recent Supreme Court ruling.

Contact Information:

Embassy of Spain in the USA
Ambassador D. Carlos Westendorp y Cabeza.
2375 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
Telephone: (202) 452-0100; (202) 728-2340
Fax: (202) 833-5670

Embassy of Spain in Canada
74 Stanley Avenue , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1M 1P4
Telephone (613) 747-2252, 7293, 1143/241-0542(24h)
Fax (613) 744-1224

For a list of Spanish embassies around the world see

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