"God respects man's decision to ask Him to leave the stage of life and as He leaves the podium, Satan takes over the puppet show that is left."
Isn't that the truth? Dr. Reginald Gallop, who wrote the chapter, "Children, the Outstanding Gift of Marriage" in the Wanderer Forum Foundation's book, Saving Christian Marriage, hit the nail on the head. The first step in excluding God from our lives came when man set out to foil conception and have life exist on his terms, for his purposes. God was driven away, and to what result? Massive numbers of abortions, infanticide not only of the handicapped but of children of an undesired sex, child abuse, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia.
Pontius Pilate said to Jesus, "What is truth?" In this new millennium, man is asking, "What is life?" The answer seems to be: Nothing.
But there is hope, little glimmers of light within the human heart yearning for something better, for something good and pure and idealistic under the ugly layers of today's secular culture. Pope John Paul II recognized this and called those who believe to a new missionary objective: to revolutionize society in a spiritual way, by recalling people to the realities of God, Christianity, and the Church.
Saving Christian Marriage is the Wanderer Forum Foundation's call to action. It is not a last ditch attempt at saving marriage, it is a frontal assault in this revolution to restore sanity and sanctity to society's cornerstone: marriage. Through the writings of philosophers, theologians, and ordinary Christian people like you and I, this book shows the splendor of a marriage founded on God. It speaks boldly on:
- Chastity: "We ought not display the wares of sex outside marriage" (Marra).
- Divorce: "Modern females are treated with greater disrespect…often treated little more than sexual objects than women have been traditionally, all in the name of feminism" (Bemis).
- Salvation: "Within marriage we confirm each other, we open up the channels of grace for each other, we help each other love God more" so that while in eternity "the bond of marriage will be erased…that love transfigured in charity, that love of God and love of the other in God — this will endure forever" (Marra).
We can change society. Saving Christian Marriage will give you ideas to revitalize your own marriage, your own approach to life. Like a stone, in a pond, the ripples of sanctity will move outward, creating a new wave for the new millennium.
For July only, Saving Christian Marriage is available for $11.50, NO shipping charges. Check the website, www.wandererforum.org for details. Orders can be taken by contacting the Wanderer Forum Foundation, PO Box 542, Hudson, WI 54016-0542 or by calling 1-651-276-1429.