Have you heard the news that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on whether or not to overturn Roe v. Wade?
The plaintiff in this case is Norma McCorvey, known as “Jane Roe” in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. Once an activist for abortion rights, McCorvey will be returning to court in an effort to reverse the horrible decision that has ended so many human lives. If Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, McCorvey will most likely have to go before the Supreme Court with the new evidence against abortion that she will be presenting to the appellate court. The Justice Foundation, which has been assisting McCorvey, is asking that everyone participate in prayer and fasting for the case.
There is great hope for the pro-life movement in this case, primarily because the case is a sign of contradiction. More than any other pro-life victory, this victory would have the potential to end abortion in the United States. Why? There are two reasons.
First, we've been told that it could never be done. In June of 2003, Judge David Godbey denied McCorvey's request to revisit the case. In his ruling, he wrote that “it is simply too late now, thirty years after the fact, for McCorvey to revisit that judgment.” In the Fifth Circuit's decision to hear oral arguments, we see the echo of St. Gabriel the Archangel's promise to the Blessed Virgin Mary: “For with God nothing will be impossible” (Lk 1:37). Once again, as He has done throughout history, God has made the impossible a reality for His Church. The new evidence against abortion will be seen by the Fifth Circuit, and hopefully by the Supreme Court.
Secondly, the plaintiff in this case is a great sign of contradiction for the entire world to see. How could it escape anyone that Norma McCorvey, the very woman who fought for the legalization of abortion in 1973, could now be the very woman to drive the final nail into its coffin? The barbaric murder of unborn children, which began with Norma McCorvey in the Supreme Court over thirty-one years ago, may end with Norma McCorvey in the Supreme Court thirty-one years later. This could be a sign for the whole world that speaks of God's powerful grace. How amazing that He could so radically change this woman who fought for abortion, that now this same woman may end it! This is a message for all of us: God is not dead, He is very much alive, and He's still doing awesome things in our lives.
If you're anything like me, you're wondering what you can do to help in this landmark case. As Catholics, we know that we're part of the Mystical Body of Christ, the worldwide body of Christians united under the Bishop of Rome. We know that what we do can affect the lives of other people throughout the world, because we are all connected in His Body, in His Church. Therefore, we have to do what the Justice Foundation has asked us to do: pray and fast. Let's offer Masses for this case on March 1, the day before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments. We should pray to Bl. Gianna Beretta Molla, whose pending canonization has been announced, to intercede for us before God regarding this case. We should offer up all of our daily sacrifices and mortifications, asking the Blessed Trinity to end the horrible sin of abortion in our country. We should fast as often as possible for this cause.
We know that if we have faith that is just the size of a mustard seed, we can accomplish God's will in this and in all things. Surely, united as the Mystical Body of Christ, we can manage to offer up more than a mustard seed of faith. We must do all that we can. Countless more lives depend not only upon Norma McCorvey and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, but upon what you and I do and upon what we fail to do. As the Mystical Body of Christ, we know and believe this with certainty.