Quebec Mayor Suggests All “Organized Religion” Should be Subject to Government Control

Using as his reason the pretext of a radical extremist group which professes to hate homosexuals, Huntingdon, Quebec Mayor Stephane Gendron, has called for the state control of religion.  Writing on his blog yesterday, Mayor Gendron says, "A modern and intellectually free society should submit all form of organized 'religion' to the dictates of the fundamental values of our society."

"In the name of religion," writes Gendron, "one can say anything and do anything, including sex and tax evasion," which is done he says, "not only by the Catholic religion".

Gendron, who in addition to being Mayor is a radio host and political analyst for several media outlets, then goes on to describe in detail the antics of Fred Phelps of the nearly universally condemned organization "God Hates Fags."  Phelps' group which pickets funerals with signs reading "God Hates Fags" has been denounced by every major faith and family group.

Recent investigations of Phelps reveal that he has close ties to Democrats and substantial income that cannot be explained by his supposed Christian ministry. This has led some to speculate that his extreme antics may be a fraudulent strategy to discredit social Conservatives.

Gendron, a supporter of abortion and same-sex 'marriage' stirs outrage with Phelps' antics to call for actions against all religions which oppose homosexual sex acts.  He says of such religions, "Why tolerate an organization which contradicts human values that we have taken thousands of years to understand and develop?"

Grendon concluded his blog entry advocating government control over religion saying: "Why live in accordance with religious values prescribed millenima before us? Isn't life too short to confine yourself to dogmas written in a time when man was almost nothing."

The Quebec paper Le Soleil reports that Gendron was actually approached last year by the federal Conservative Party to run as a candidate.  He told the paper that Federal transportation minister Lawrence Cannon was attempting to recruit him as a candidate.  (see: )

Grendon is no stranger to controversy.  In August 2006 he said in an interview with Le Soleil that "Israelis are modern-day Nazis," and after a public outcry claimed he was only referring to the current Government of Israel. (see: )

See Gendron's blog entry (in French):

to express concerns to the Mayor's office:

Mme Diane Giguère
Ville de Huntingdon
23, rue King
Huntingdon (Québec) J0S 1H0

Téléphone:      (450) 264-5389, poste 224
Télécopieur:   (450) 264-6826

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