Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued the following statement regarding the rejection of Referred Law 6 in South Dakota. The Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act would have banned all medical and surgical abortions in the state:
American Life League is extremely disappointed that many citizens of South Dakota made the tragic decision to reject the Women's Health and Human Protection Act, a law that had the potential to protect innocent children and women from the scourge of abortion. While people of faith and conscience worked to combat the manipulative propaganda from abortion proponents, they fell short of achieving the goal of protecting preborn children.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion supporters vowed they would do all in their power to eradicate the law. Today this deceitful effort succeeded, but it will be a victory short lived. The pro-life leaders of South Dakota have made it their goal to see this law become part of the legal framework that defines the state of South Dakota as a safe place to live.
It was an honor and privilege to work with the good people of South Dakota in their efforts to uphold a law that protects innocent human beings from abortion. The proponents of death poured millions of dollars into the state; decried the pro-life law as being callous toward women and did all they could to convince the electorate that abortion is a good rather than an evil.
We pray that pro-lifers will immediately begin drafting a new law and going through the same process again. The same spirit that led South Dakotans can also lead pro-lifers in other states to see that a victory for the babies, while difficult, is not impossible. The fact that we came so close should tell naysayers that there is indeed hope that such a ban will be enacted — not today, but certainly one day soon.