Prayer For Cancer Scare

Am ready on Thu.Nov. 8th to take MRI of liver & pancreas.2 Recent blood tests (AFPs) showed me in a "cancer range"; those can be thrown off due to my hep. c—praying that this MRI & a yet to be scheduled liver biopsy will show NO CANCER!Also need healing of hiv, liver and lipo.
In the area of finances have $$$$ owed on insurance, a NYC bond and for past disability payments.Praying for healing & finances in Jesus name.

Here's what an abnormal AFP though can mean: In men, nonpregnant women, and children, alpha-fetoprotein in the blood can mean certain types of cancer, especially cancer of the testicles, ovaries, stomach, pancreas, or liver are present. High levels of AFP may also be found in Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma, brain tumors, and renal cell cancer.

Please pray against all of the above above possibilities from the lab tests and believe w/ me that a PRAISE REPORT IS IN THE WORKS.

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