Please Join 40 DAYS FOR LIFE

The Catholic Church has proclaimed this October to be a Pro-Life Month. For the last month, I have been going church-to-church talking about the pro-life issues, and telling people about a wonderful opportunity for everyone to join in a pro-life activity.

In 1991, Pope John Paul II, wrote a letter to all the bishops and to all churches, proclaiming the Catholic Church’s commitment to a culture of life, and to the inviolable right to life from the moment of conception to until life’s natural end.

John Paul II stated that the Church should devote herself more fully to the concrete defense and promotion of this right , and that we in our Church should proclaim this right courageously and fearlessly in word and in deed.

In 1994, at a national prayer breakfast, in Washington D.C., Mother Theresa of Calcutta, came from the one of the poorest nations in the world and made an impassioned plea to Americans against abortion.  She, who came from the poverty stricken streets of Calcutta, pleaded with Americans not to abort children, but to love them and adopt them.

Mother Theresa’s speech was entitled “Whatever you do, to the least of my brothers….”

She reminded us that we are made in the likeness and image of God, and that Jesus commanded us: Love each other as I have loved you.   The child in the womb is the least of us, and is also the most innocent of us, and the most in need of our love and protection.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE, is a nationwide pro-life movement that has come to 212 cities in America and has organized prayer vigils that last for 40 days and 40 nights, praying for an end to abortion in our country and for the closing of all abortion clinics.   The current vigil began on Sept 23, and it will continue until November 1 .   It goes for 40 days and nights non-stop 24/7.   This group signs up churches and pro-life groups from all regions, of all denominations, and asks them each to give at least one day of prayer vigil, at their local abortion “clinics”.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE invites Catholic parishes along with any other congregations to join them, adopt your own day, or even to go out there on any of the remaining days and join the prayer groups that are there, often on their knees, praying for an end to abortion.

The 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign has the support and endorsement Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, of Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries.   Bishop Brom of San Diego stated that this is an honorable and practical way that people of faith can engage in the urgent and necessary work to end abortion.

We are being asked again to support life, by our words, by our prayers, and by our deeds.   Our intention is to bring enough prayer warriors down to these clinics, and to bring them down like the walls of Jericho.   Not by trumpets or soldiers, but by the power of prayer and fasting, and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Since this national prayer vigil began, there are already confirmed stories of over 250 mothers who have changed their minds, and who have chosen life for their babies.  There are confirmed stories of health care workers who have quit their abortuary jobs, and joined in the prayer vigil. Since 2007 there at least 3 instances where these prayer vigils have worked miracles and closed the doors of the abortion clinic forever.

This campaign for life has the support of hundreds of local pastors and it is endorsed by many bishops across America.  It is consistent with the urgent plea made to this country by Mother Theresa and it is the fulfillment of a request by John Paul II: that we support a culture of life, in word and in deed.  But, most importantly, when we do this, we follow the commandment of God the Father, and the commandant of Jesus, to love one another, even to the least of our brothers and sisters, who are innocent, and who cry out to us from the depths of their spirits.

Please take a moment read the information on the national site, and please sign up and help us show we care for the unborn.

As John Paul concluded in his prayer on this subject, let us pray: “May the Holy Spirit “the Lord, the Giver of Life,” fill us with his gifts, and may Mary, the virgin Mother, who gave birth to the Author of Life, be at our side in this responsibility.”

For more information, please visit:

And, to see a beautiful video of a sample 40 Days vigil:

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