Peru Intensifies its Work for the Continental Mission

Since the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Aparecida in Brazil, the Bishops of Latin America have been intensifying their efforts to conduct a continent-wide mission.

During their ad limina visit to Rome, the Holy Father exhorted the Bishops of Peru, saying, “a missionary Church keeps its problems in perspective and looks with hope and confidence towards the future.” He called on them to unite all the various parts aspects of their dioceses so that they could set out with Christ as their starting point, letting the light of His countenance shine forth always.

This mission was launched last year in Peru and involved the need to adapt the pastoral priorities of the Bishops’ conference and to tackle new challenges and obstacles. “Everything we are doing is done from the perspective of mission, for we had to create the awareness that each missionary is an apostle of Christ,” said Father Guillermo Inca in an interview with Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). Father Guillermo is both the Assistant Pastoral Secretary to the Episcopal Conference and is the Vicar General of the Diocese of Castrense.

It was decided to start the pastoral mission by creating three different groups – one for evangelization, one for the pastoral and social sphere, and one for communion and dialogue. Within each of these areas there is a group leader who coordinates the work of the team.

This mission is the task of every Catholic, from the bishop down to the ordinary faithful, according to Fr. Guillermo. That is why he has included it in the annual plan of his Parish of Mary the Missionary in the Diocese of Lurín, where he serves. He insists that despite all the work he has as a parish priest, it is essential to go out to the people and go looking for those who have become alienated. “We have to move people, to maintain an ongoing mission and not be deterred,” said Fr. Guillermo, who is an Oblate of St. Joseph.

In order to meet the challenges of the Continental Mission and move forward in pastoral outreach, Church leaders in Peru are working on the religious and moral formation of the Catholic faithful, especially the lay pastoral workers, Father Inca added. He also recognized potential obstacles to the development of this mission, including the alarming growth in the sects combined with the loss of a sense of Catholic identity. Another difficulty is the lack of financial means to support pastoral projects.

Two instruments which Fr. Guillermo said would be of great value in advancing the mission and work of the Episcopal conference are the retaining of a Catholic presence in the media and the helping the ordinary Catholic faithful to play a greater role in the political life of the country.

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