sat down with Brian Johnston, Western Director for the National Right to Life Committee for an interview yesterday, in which Johnston stressed that current Democratic Presidential candidate Barak Hussein Obama is even more radical on abortion than Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.“Right now at this moment in history the one thing that in the United States of America every citizen can impact is the destiny of our nation,” began Johnston. “And that is through the Presidential race. The next President is likely going to place two Supreme Court Justices.”
“The enduring legacy of the presidency is in fact the justices that they leave. A lot of people didn’t like George Bush’s position but National Right to Life supported Bush. He was committed to justices which would uphold the constitution as written and by extension overturn Roe, and he actually kept those promises. In the current situation John McCain has said the same thing.”
Turning to Obama, Johnston said, “On the other side we have an individual who not merely is a pro-abort, but probably the most pro-abortion candidate for President that we’ve seen as a nation.”
Johnston noted further that Obama, “when he spoke to Planned Parenthood, promised that his first official act would be to sign FOCA into law.” FOCA is the Freedom of Choice Act which would eliminate any state law limiting abortion, including partial birth abortion. (see coverage: )
Asked if he considered Obama more pro-abortion than the Clintons, Johnston replied, “I’m surprised to hear myself say it [that Obama is more pro-abortion], because of our experience with the Clintons.”
However, Johnston noted that Hillary Clinton “was one of the voices saying we should temper” the Democratic Party abortion rhetoric, especially by invoking the Clinton mantra that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare,” for which “she was quickly castigated by Planned Parenthood.” He added: “In a similar vein she was willing to temper her position to be seen as a counterpoint to Obama. She was willing to give him the most radical elements of society.”
Concluding the point he observed, “It is amazing to see that there would be somebody farther left on this issue than the Clilntons. But we see that in Barak Obama. I fear for our nation, should he become President.”
The NRLC leader also observed that the harm committed by Obama would be felt worldwide. “Not only will it affect our nation but also the world because of the incredible influence that the United States government has on the United Nations,” he said.
“The United Nations, has been – during pro-abortion Administrations – a tool for worldwide evangelism of abortion. Not just evangelism in terms of winning hearts and minds but specifically forcing governments to embrace abortion and other acts of disregard for human life.”