Obama Promises “Change” for America One Homosexual Adoption at a Time

Barack Obama has once again reaffirmed his support for homosexual adoptions and his intentions to repeal federal regulations protecting the traditional family built on marriage.The Illinois Senator sent a letter outlining his position to Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director of the Family Equality Council, after the homosexual lobby group demanded his response to Republican presidential contender John McCain’s statement to the New York Times three weeks ago: “I don’t believe in gay adoption.” (http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/jul/08071408.html)

The letter gave Obama an opportunity to curry favor with the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender (LGBT) lobby.

“We also have to do more to support and strengthen LGBT families,” wrote Obama. “Because equality in relationship, family, and adoption rights is not some abstract principle; it’s about whether millions of LGBT Americans can finally live lives marked by dignity and freedom.”

He continued, “That’s why we have to repeal laws like the Defense of Marriage Act. That’s why we have to eliminate discrimination against LGBT families. And that’s why we have to extend equal treatment in our family and adoption laws.”

Obama had prefaced his letter by emphasizing the “vast array of diverse traditions, cultures and histories” of the United States and said that the “desire to build a life with a loved one, to provide for a family and to have children who will grow and thrive … are desires that all people share, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.”

“We know,” he said, “that the cost of the American dream must never come at the expense of the American family. For decades we’ve had politicians in Washington who talk about family values, but we haven’t had policies that value families. Instead, it’s harder for working parents to make a living while raising their kids. It’s even harder to get a break.”

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