NYU Law School: No Conservative Christians Need Apply

Dr. Thio Li-ann, professor at the National University of Singapore, was invited to teach at New York University Law School this fall. After it was discovered that the Christian professor, while serving as a Singaporean lawmaker in 2007, opposed a repeal of the law proscribing homosexual acts, NYU students and alumni organized to protest her appointment. She subsequently withdrew her interest in teaching at NYU.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue wrote to NYU’s law school dean, Richard Revesz, on July 23, the day the New York Times published a story about Professor Thio; he e-mailed it the same day. Donohue also accessed a statement by Revesz, and a letter by the professor to her critics. Yesterday, NYU law school confirmed that Revesz received Donohue’s letter, though there has been no response. Accordingly, Donohue is going public with his comments today:

I have been in contact with Professor Thio, as well as her colleagues, and I have done two interviews with the media in Singapore. Moreover, nyunews.com has covered this issue, including my remarks. In my letter to Dean Revesz I indicated that I have a B.A. and Ph.D. from NYU, and have taught in NYU’s Multicultural Education summer program for many years; I am also a donor. And still no answer. I think I know why. In his July 23 statement on Professor Thio, Revesz tried to flip the issue of intimidation by blaming her for creating “an unwelcoming atmosphere.” I then said, “You also say that ‘she replied to them [critics of her appointment] in a manner that many member [sic] of our community—myself included—consider offensive and hurtful.’” I asked Revesz to identify “a single sentence that is at all untoward.” There is none, and he knows it.

Revesz has allowed the anti-free speech bullies to score a victory. He seems to love diversity, except for the only kind that should count on a college campus—diversity of thought. When it comes to conservative Christians, Revesz’s interest in inclusion comes to a screeching halt.

Contact Revesz at richard.revesz@nyu.edu

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