Bill O'Reilly has become the nation's favorite television commentator. That is what he says. But frankly, this pro-life leader finds dear old Bill in need of a real education when it comes to basic human embryology and the basic tenets of the Catholic faith.
Curious? Let me explain.
Planned Parenthood did a bad thing several weeks ago by announcing their “choice on earth” Christmas card — oops! I mean holiday card. You see, Planned Parenthood has little if any use for Christ, who is the center of Christmas.
Once STOPP International got wind of the card, they proceeded to fire off a volley of news releases, describing Planned Parenthood's tasteless effort as an attack on Christianity. STOPP Executive Director Jim Sedlak said, “By replacing 'peace' with 'choice', Planned Parenthood is essentially saying 'abortion on earth.'” Sedlak called the message repugnant and said the card was an insult to Christians across the nation.
O'Reilly subsequently had representatives of the abortion industry on his show, and attempted to take the pro-life side of the debate himself. But that is where the real trouble began. Planned Parenthood is known to be totally dedicated to both abortion on demand and deceptive rhetoric, but O'Reilly insists he presides over a 'no spin zone.” In >this case, at least, wrong! One would have to admit, after examining the evidence that follows, that this time he was lost in the ignorance zone.
O'Reilly explained to a Planned Parenthood “minister” that he knows and agrees that the “fetus is a potential human being.” The fact is that the fetus is a human being — a person with potential. The human being begins at conception. That is a Biology 101 fact. We cannot discern where Mr. O'Reilly learned basic biology or human embryology, but hope he takes a refresher course.
And then there's the matter of what O'Reilly seems to know about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. O'Reilly told Patricia Ireland, former president of the National Organization for Women, “I believe that Jesus Christ would not be a big fan of abortion. Now I can't speak for Jesus, but his philosophy is all life is sacred.”
O'Reilly claims to be Catholic, so let me give it to you straight as a fellow Catholic. First of all, Jesus came to fulfill the will of His Father, God #0151 the Author of life and the Author of the Ten Commandments, one of which is, “Thou shalt not kill.” Abortion is an act that kills an innocent human being; clearly Christ condemns such sinful acts and we all know that as fact. Well, at least, most of us who are Catholic know that.
Second, Christ, as the Son of God, is God. He is life; He is truth; he is not personal philosophy! I find it hard to believe that even O'Reilly would suggest that the Son of God has a “philosophy,” but he did — and we have it in writing as part of an official transcript.
So what is my point? We who are Catholic and pro-life know how dangerous Planned Parenthood is, how anti-Christian they are and how dedicated they are to death by abortion. These are facts that are part of their sordid history and anyone who wishes to discern their philosophy can do so easily. Don't take my word for it.
But Bill O'Reilly, Fox News commentator, is allegedly a “conservative,” a “Catholic,” and an expert in debates he instigates with those with whom he disagrees. However, when it comes to fetal development, when a human being begins and what the Catholic Church teaches about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Bill is no authority. He is no friend to our cause. Today we ask him — publicly — to please master these topics, as he has failed to provide the fullness of truth. We want to hear and see him pronounce that truth mightily and with gusto and so we are praying for him.
We do not dislike Bill. We just think he ought to get rid of the spin that always circulates when his announcements lack fact.
(This update courtesy of the American Life League.)