So many people are asking what they can do to help in pro-life ministry. Many are feeling like they aren’t making a “real” difference, and they want to see results or fruits of their labors and donations. Culture of Life Family Services has the answer for your community.
This new Catholic non-profit apostolate has been founded to offer, among other services, free medical care to those women who are making the decision whether or not to abort their unborn.
In addition, COLFS provides prenatal and family care, spiritual direction from qualified clerical and lay people and counseling from psychologists right under the same roof. They also offer education for breastfeeding, natural family planning, nutrition, and parenting, and supplies for new mothers.
Culture of Life Family Services have found that by offering a free ultrasound and consultation with a physician, and then promising to provide free medical care for them during and after their pregnancy, 90-95% of the women contemplating abortion have changed their mind upon coming to the clinic.
You may be asking yourself, ”Isn’t this what the pregnancy centers are doing?” Sadly, no, not at this point in time. Some centers are now realizing the importance of having an ultrasound, and are making efforts to aquire one. Becoming a medical clinic, and offering medical care is a very complex and costly undertaking that most centers are not ready to take on.
Pregnancy centers are able to give out pregnancy tests, and give counsel. Culture of Life Family Services will be a medical provider which takes a holistic approach to caring for these women and families in crisis pregnancies. We are treating them as a whole person physically, emotionally, spiritually. This multidisciplinary approach allows these families to grow and heal properly.
Culture of Life Family Services helps to remove the stressors that are weighing on the parents. When given the truth about their unborn, and what help they can expect to receive, they are much more likely to keep their baby, and to make positive life changes.
To learn more about how you can be part of this life saving ministry, please visit our website at WWW.COLFS.ORG. Maybe a center in your town will want to convert to a medical clinic, or maybe you would like to start up a clinic to offer medical support to the local pregnancy center. The fruits of your labors will be hundreds of children walking in and out of your clinic because you saved their life.
Currently we are seeking: Pro-life physicians who would like to serve in Southern California at one of our 3 clinics, as well as a high-quality 30 minute video production of our project and vision for Culture of Life Family Services across the country, to spread the word concisely and effectively of just what is possible.
Culture of Life Family Services has been in operation for almost 3 years, and has had its tax exemption status since May 2003.