It is my firm opinion that we need a new way of looking at the political landscape. Political opinion has been viewed historically as a spectrum moving from the far left — Marxists, Socialists — to liberals, moderates, conservatives and then the far right — Fascists. As cultural issues have gained in importance, a new schematic is badly needed to better understand the relationship between the various ideological positions.
I suggest replacing the spectrum with a grid. In the upper right quadrant I would place Conservatives, Social Conservatives, and the Religious Right; in the upper left Liberals; in the lower left quadrant the Totalitarian Left which includes Marxists and Sexual Leftists; and in the lower right the Totalitarian Right (Fascists, IslamoFascists). This arrangement highlights shared values of Totalitarian Left and Right which in practice are not at opposite ends of the spectrum, but almost indistinguishable. This explains the unholy alliance between Venezuela's Chavez and the Iranian IslamoFascist regime. The Totalitarian Left may claim the right to rule in the name of the oppressed, while Totalitarian Right insists that it has a spiritual or racial mandate, but neither respect human rights. When in power both use force to impose their will on others.
Sexual Leftists — abortion advocates, radical feminists, population control promoters, gay rights activists, the international AIDS establishment, ACLU, and those pushing explicit condom education for children K through 12 — try to portray themselves as classic Liberals. Although they use “rights” language, they believe that only the oppressed have rights and that they alone know what is best for the oppressed. Like political leftists, Sexual Leftists do not respect the democratic process. They will use any means available to undercut the will of the people, subvert any institution, trample legal protections, and when it suits them lie. Once in power whether in government, in professional associations, or in educational institutions they will systematically drive out anyone who is not ideological pure.
Failing to grasp these risks, classic Liberals opened their doors to Totalitarian political and Sexual Leftists and then were surprised to find themselves marginalized within their own parties and institutions. When classic Liberals spoke out against these takeovers and defended classic Liberal values, they were shocked to find themselves accused of being conservatives. With classic Liberalism emasculated, the battle is now between the totalitarian left and Social Conservatives.
Social Conservatives must not be surprised when Sexual Leftists reveal their totalitarian hearts. On the contrary the public needs to be reminded that this is not an aberration, this is who they are. Where they gain power they do not respect the right of others to disagree.
Imputing to their opponents their own motives, the Totalitarian Left routinely accuses Conservatives of being Fascists, when in fact political and Social Conservatives respect the democratic process, freedom of speech, and most importantly freedom of religion. Faith involves a free ascent of the will. Social Conservatives have constructed a coalition of people many faiths, none of which would tolerate the establishment of another's religion. Their goal is to promote sane social policy based decades of solid research and centuries of human experience.
If the stakes were not so high, one might be amused by the efforts of the Sexual Left to develop a PR campaign that promotes the image of Sexual Leftists as “people of faith.” They miss the point. If they wish to imagine a God who is not offended by the killing of unborn babies, pornography, and sexual relationships outside marriage (between a man and a woman), that is their business, but when they use unelected judges or UN bureaucrats to impose their beliefs on others, then it most definitely is our business. No one has an obligation to tolerate totalitarian tyranny.
Dale O'Leary is a writer, pro-family activist and educator living in Rhode Island. Her e-mail address is