Early this September, a few friends and I made a visit to one of the many abortion clinics in this area. Remarkable were the people directly in front of the building praying to end abortion. In contrast to these dedicated souls were some young adults plugged into their iPods, nodding their heads up and down in cool fashion, while holding signs that read: "Save Women's Rights," "Honk If You Are Pro-Choice," "Would Jesus Harass?" and so forth.
It takes a horticulturist, or an avid gardener, to properly care for plants. I have met many folk who have no fancy for digging, planting and treasuring nature's beauty. Although many love to have a garden, weeds seem to be their main crop. On the other hand, a horticulturist takes pride in his garden and constantly attends to it with careful detail. While growing up in a small town, I had the privilege to be neighbor to such a man. We could always expect him to have a beautiful green lawn with flowering accents, and enjoy a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables brought to our door, depending on the season.
Now imagine what my horticulturist friend would say to me if I went about planting seeds and in the next week or two, dug them up. Perhaps something to this effect: "What are you doing? You are killing the new plants!" I would give him an honest yet ignorant reply: "I cannot see any life here. I am simply moving some dirt around." Of course, the horticulturist would not only object, but would be bothered by my actions. Being an expert in this field he would understand above all that my actions are destructive and wrong. The very concept disturbs him because he cares for the life and well-being of plants through all stages. Truly, I would have no chance of defending my position against him and hopefully, through some persuasion, I would come to understand my stupidity.
But suppose the opposite happened. Let's say I took up this pastime of planting and digging up seeds as a serious hobby. I imagine that some would "write me off" as strange and maybe a bit crazy. You see, not too many people would be intellectually bothered that I was committing a wrong, much less care to stop and help my distorted habit. Generally speaking, most people are not avid gardeners or horticulturists. The fact that I am the only madman in the world, who goes around planting and digging up seeds, adds up to very little – only a small amount, which is not a problem in the eyes of the world.
But let us pretend for a moment that I began converting many believers to my "Digging-Up-Seeds Club" and extended various legal parties throughout the nations where millions and millions were excited about digging up planted seeds. All major industrial farmers became passionate and excited about the club and invented special machines and tools for the cause. Trees and bushes became scarce, vegetables and fruits were lacking, animals and insects were starving and diminishing. Finally, human life would be jeopardized. Then, surely all non-club members would protest as they realized that what once was a small and brainless hobby of mine has become an international problem. The reason for their protest would naturally be the fact that they themselves are now suffering the consequences. They cannot enjoy life as they once did.
When the consequences of a problem are experienced, one begins to strive for a solution.
One sees this time after time. Those who have waited tables always leave a larger tip than those who have never entered the restaurant business. Those who have experienced hunger are generally more open to give food to those in need. Jane Roe, whose case legalized abortion, is now most active to end the disaster she helped begin.
When the horticulturist approached me at first about my destructive digging, he detected my actions as wrong. Although I was not hurting anybody directly, my actions affected him because he understood the significance of my act. He protects and nurtures plant life and my actions were directly offending his work and calling.
Man has a responsibility and duty to preserve human life. We are all custodians of such a cause. Do not lose vigilance. Be active and prayerful to end abortion.