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Monks, Beer, and Catholic Culture | A Conversation with R. Jared Staudt

Monks, Beer, and Catholic Culture | A Conversation with R. Jared Staudt

Michael shares one particular interest with author and theologian R. Jared Staudt: they both have a passion for beer and its impact on culture. Today, both Michael and Dr. Staudt welcome Easter by discussing the joys of great beer and the revival of Catholic beer culture in the US and Europe.

In researching for an upcoming book and pilgrimage to France and Belgium, Dr. Staudt shares his life-long fascination with the intersection of beer and Catholic culture. In fact, many are surprised to learn that monks have been brewing the finest beers for centuries. Even now, with programs like Theology on Tap, beer is often being used as a starting point to open discussions about life and faith.

We’ll dive into a brief history of faith and beer and how the world’s many rebellions have interrupted Catholic brewers who are now inspiring a new generation of brewer-monks. Pour yourself a Trappist ale and join us as we talk beer, faith, and culture on today’s podcast.

Resources We Discussed

Find Dr. Staudt’s writings here on Catholic Exchange and on Those Catholic MenAlso check out this article on Bl. Columba Marmion, whom we discuss on today’s episode.

If you’re interested in joining Fr. John Riley and Dr. R. Jared Staudt on a “beer pilgrimage,” check out their site through Religious Travel International.

To see some examples of Catholic beer culture we discussed, try these links:

Some books we discussed today:

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