Dear Clayton, Sarah and Alison:
I hope you’re all settled into high school by now and not embarrassing each other in the halls between classes. And please do not sully the family name remember, I am an alumna of that fine establishment and have my sterling alumni status and reputation to protect!
I wanted to tell you how much fun it was for me to spend so much time with you this summer. Your cousins added it up and decided I was at your house in Ohio more than I was home here in North Carolina. They’re not complaining, mind you, just making a point. And I’m not taking it personally. Really. No hurt feelings. Honest. But I’m not giving back your house key yet.
Actually, the kids and Uncle Scott were surprised at how much I changed each time I came home from your house. They’ve dubbed these past few months, “2006: Mom’s Summer of Firsts!” The other choices were, “Mom finally grows up and gets modern!”, “Mom’s Summer of Pretending She’s Not a Mom!” and “What? She went where?”
Clayton, thanks for speaking to me in public in front of your friends I am so honored! Most of all, thanks for throwing my laundry in with yours. Definitely a First!
Sarah, thanks for letting me listen to your iPod. Have you gotten over the shock that it was my very first time to ever listen to one? I can’t believe I almost blew my Cool Aunt image on that one. And thanks for not rubbing it in in front of all your friends.
Alison thanks for making “Karen’s Crazy Summer of 2006!” movie for me. I’ve never had my own personal movie before! I’ve shown it to everyone who wanted to watch it and many who didn’t. Even Uncle Scott liked it, despite, you know, that “one” picture! Oh, and I couldn’t have done without your fashion input especially since your cousin Melanie was not with me to approve of what I wore. It was fun to share clothes with you every day felt like was back in the sorority house.
All three of you introduced me to some great new music stuff I never would have heard on my own. My kids don’t share their music with me, so that was a first. Actually, I was listening to one of the songs you gave me (Okay, I was blasting it on my car stereo when I pulled in the garage the other day, aren’t you proud of me?) when Mel came stomping out the door muttering, “Great, I’ll just take my mp3 player you obviously borrowed without asking!”
“It’s MY music, HA!” I snapped back. She froze, wide-eyed and speechless (a First), her hand glued to the door handle she hadn’t seen any semblance of cool factor in me since she was two. So thanks for the chance to have my daughter think I’m cool.
I owe you.
Aunt Karen
Karen Rinehart is a syndicated newspaper columnist, public speaker, and creator of The Bus Stop Mommies™. Her book, Invisible Underwear, Bus Stop Mommies and Other Things True To Life, is a popular read in book clubs, school pick up lines, and soccer fields. She enjoys hearing from readers across the States and as far away as Australia, Japan, and England. You can read more at Karen lives in North Carolina with her two kids, two dogs, and one husband, where they attend St. James Catholic Church. (Well, they leave the dogs at home.)