Miller Brewing Protest Continues: Milwaukee Civic Associations Contacted

Catholic League president Bill Donohue explained the latest strategy for dealing with Miller's sponsorship of anti-Catholicism:

"We're not going away. After having sent the most unbelievable photos of decadent anti-Catholicism to all the priests, ministers, rabbis and imams in Milwaukee, we are now hitting the civic associations. Because there are so many, we are choosing a select group each week. Today's mailing targets the following organizations:

— Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
— Federation For Civic Action
— Greater Milwaukee Convention
— Visitor Information Center
— American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin
— Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin
— VISIT Milwaukee Corporate Office
— Community Development
— Sherman Park Community Association
— Community Enterprises of Milwaukee

"There will be ten more next week. And so on. We want all the leaders in Milwaukee — in both religious and secular circles — to know exactly the kind of Catholic-bashing event that Miller Brewing recently sponsored. We are looking for a pledge from Miller indicating that it will no longer sponsor public attacks on Roman Catholicism. Once that is achieved, we will cancel the boycott and the anti-Miller PR campaign."

To contact Miller, write to Julian Green, spokesm, at, call 1-800-MILLER 6 or send a fax to 414-931-3732.

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