Miller Brewing Balks &#0151 Catholic League Responds

Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented today on the latest developments regarding its dispute with the Miller Brewing Company:

"We have been informed by Miller Brewing that it is not prepared at this time to offer assurances that it will never again sponsor an anti-Christian event; it merely says that it is conducting an audit of its marketing policies. Accordingly, our response to Miller's balk is as follows.

"Today, we are mailing pictures of the anti-Christian and sadomasochistic Folsom Street Fair that Miller so proudly sponsors to Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan and to the 211 Catholic parishes in the archdiocese. We want all Catholics in Milwaukee to know exactly what Miller stands for.

"The mailing to Catholics is just the first of many mailings we have planned. Every week we will announce a new segment of the Milwaukee community that will receive the photos. If Miller wants to be so bold as to throw Catholics and Protestants overboard for the sake of siding with the most morally depraved persons in our society — persons with whom no self-respecting heterosexual or homosexual would ever associate — then it must suffer the consequences. The boycott is on, and now the campaign to blanket religious and secular leaders in the Milwaukee community with the evidence of Miller's complicity in this sordid affair has begun."

Contact Miller Brewing Company CEO Tom Long:
3939 W. Highland Blvd.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208-2816

1-800-MILLER 6
Fax: 414-931-3732

Email spokesman Julian Green at

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