Maternal Revenge: Mondays

Hear that?  Can you hear my mother laughing hysterically from her Ft. Myers, Florida Over 55 Active Lifestyle Community aquacise class?  I can. Because it's Monday.  And until today, I lived in fragile bliss, forgetting my mother's warning about Maternal Mondays.

I am not alone. After stubbing my pinky toe on a shoe the size of Nebraska, kindly left behind by my son from spring break, I located my laptop under a pile of laundry and checked my email.

"I have a list of 15 things to do today.  I don't know how that happened, because last night I looked at my calendar and it SAID: Track pick up (5:00) and Theater practice pick up (5:30).  Now I have: Take my mom's late gas bill payment to gas company (find the gas company building!); call and cancel two Doctors Appointments scheduled three months ago due to this week's newest sports conflicts; go to BJ's get TP; get track form notarized…(where?); get Kiwi for Timmy to take to school as part of his class project; E-mail second kid's school counselor to set up meeting; call Lebos – pray they got in the dance /jazz shoes third son needs for theater; etc, etc, Brush teeth!!  Smile!!  

How's your day shaping up??? ~Kelly"

I set the boxers aside and responded.  "I think I broke my toe. I guess there's not much I can do except wear my 'But they're comfortable!' shoes and drink an extra glass of wine before bed.  I wonder if Morgan's figured out he only has one Chuck Taylor in his dorm room.  Never mind. Stupid question.  My day? Well, I successfully matched three pairs of socks and have 32 Socks Without Partners left. You need any Nike anklets with light blue swooshes?  I was going to finish sewing that duvet cover I started last spring but now have to go shopping for a new curtain rod for Mel's bathroom. I went to hang her drip-dry clothing like I always do and it, along with the old rod and new shower curtain crashed down on my head.  It kinda hurt. But I guess there's not much I can do except take some aspirin and have an extra glass of wine before bed.  I have to rewash the clothes too (you've seen my daughter's bathroom). I already have 8 piles of laundry sorted on the kitchen floor left over from last night.  What's one more, right? Want me to pick up Timmy's kiwi at Super Wal-Mart when I get the shower curtain rod? Need anything else?"

"Ouch, Karen! I've got tape you can use for your toe. If you can get the Kiwi, that'd save me a trip.  And an extra bottle of wine will save my life. Hubby just called-he's leaving tonight on a last minute business trip and will be gone 'till Friday."

"Got it. One Kiwi, four bottles of wine. Oh. Happy Monday…my mother says hello."

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