Hundreds of thousands of Evangelical youths are expected to descend on the United States Capitol tomorrow to fast and ask God’s forgiveness for the sins of their nation.Those participating in TheCall, led by its creator Lou Engle, are expected to gather on the National Mall in Washington, DC and form an enormous prayer team, asking God’s forgiveness for the anti-life and anti-family agenda that has overtaken US politics and society.
TheCall, the first gathering of which occurred in September of 2000, summoned 400,000 youth to the Mall. It is not a worship service in the usual sense. As the official website asserts, “TheCall is a fast, not a festival. TheCall is a solemn assembly, not a conference.” The purpose of the twelve hours of scheduled communal prayer is to gather youth “centered around the affections of a loving God,” and for this reason, “There will be no advertised bands and no promoted speakers, as our purpose is not to promote any man or ministry.”
TheCall intends to unite a “multi-racial, multi-generational, and cross-denominational” assembly in quiet but massive protest to the widespread disintegration of traditional Christian ethics in America:
“We believe that our nation is in a critical hour and in desperate need of revival. While our society’s moral compass continues to erode the faith of our nation is becoming increasingly secularized.
“Our hope in this hour is in God and God alone. On August 16, 2008 we are calling for 1,000,000 people to again gather together in the National Mall to fast and to pray for God to pour out His undeserved mercy on our land.”
To find out more about TheCall, visit