Martyrs of Our Time Must Not Be Forgotten

Seven years ago we and most of humanity experienced and celebrated two extraordinary and unrepeatable events. Everyone crossed the threshold into the new 21st century and the new third millennium. These two beginnings were welcomed enthusiastically in memorable celebrations almost everywhere. We easily forget that both are still in their infancy.

At the same time Christians noted and celebrated a sacred and historic double event in Jubilee 2000. Christians observed two intimately connected events — one past "Two Millennia of Christianity" and one future – "The New Third Millennium."

We celebrated the past Two Millennia, especially our own 20th century with remembrance, repentance and thanksgiving. After three years of spiritual preparation we crossed the threshold to the Third Millennium.

Christians of Jubilee 2000 transitioned from the PAST Second Millennium to the FUTURE Third Millennium with undaunted HOPE in Christ "Yesterday, Today and Forever."

YET — how quickly rare and wonderful historic and sacred events like Jubilee 2000 became blurred or even fade from our memory. There is much at stake and much lost in forgetting, especially for Christians.

Pope John Paul II, the spiritual leader of Jubilee 2000, will help us recover our memory.

At the start of his Petrine Service, John Paul II, revealed how he looked forward to Jubilee 2000 as a "springtime for the Church." He kept his ever expanding vision of the Jubilee before Catholics and the world. During the three years, 1997, 98 and 99, he led the Church in every diocese in an intense spiritual preparation for Jubilee 2000.

Among the many themes and countless events of that time and especially the Jubilee, one stands out as a great inspiration and source of strength for Christians today. The Holy Father sums it up: "The Witness of the 20th century Martyrs must not be forgotten."

Preserving the memory of so many martyrs of our 20th century was a significant goal of our Holy Father. In the 1994 Decree on preparation for the Jubilee he wrote: "At the end of the second millennium, in our 20th century, the Church is again a Church of martyrs. The persecution of believers, clergy, religious and laity, has caused a great sowing of the seeds of martyrdom in different places in our world. This witness must not be forgotten."

In those sacred times, most of us joined John Paul II, the WITNESS OF HOPE and entered the Jubilee time of grace renewed in Spirit and on fire with zeal for the mission of Christ.

The Jubilee was a time of remembrance for the Pope and so many who experienced or knew of the horrors of the 20th century. Most of us lived during many decades of wars, revolutions and totalitarian regimes in which countless millions suffered persecution, violence and death.

In Poland, John Paul experienced and knew first hand of the wholesale and relentless persecutions in the five year occupation by Nazism in Poland and much of Europe. Then came forty years occupation by Communism in Poland, the nations of Eastern Europe and in China, North Korea, Vietnam and others.

Among the countless millions killed for political, ideological, racial, ethnic and other reasons were Catholics and other believers who suffered and died for their Faith.

The pope was deeply convinced of the importance of Saints for the Church on her journey to the Kingdom and the Communion of Saints. These witnesses to Christ are our heroes and heroines.

In his 27 years, he declared 1,345 Servants of God BLESSED. He canonized 483 Servants of God SAINTS. The number of Saints is more than all the popes of the past 500 years canonized.

During 27 years the pope placed before us a number of the many thousands who suffered and died for the faith in our time. Individuals and groups of martyrs of different nations were declared Blessed or Saints.

We glorify God as we honor, venerate these inspiring masterpieces of divine grace.

Amid all the religious and secular events of Jubilee 2000, many may have missed the Beatification and Canonizations of 20th century martyrs during the Jubilee.

In coming issues we will remember these martyrs who lived in our time. John Paul II presented these GIANTS of faith — lest we lose heart.

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