Marriage: God vs. Man

When two acquaintances invited me to a “gay marriage” recently, I marveled at how things had changed in our society so radically since May 17, especially in Massachusetts. The new phenomenon of same-sex couples getting married completely redefines the meaning of matrimony.

I declined to go to the “wedding” and explained to my friends that the true intent of marriage as created by God was for one man and one woman; He made the male and female like a jigsaw puzzle, so that the two fit together as one and are in union with each other. Without this wonderful creation of a loving God, human existence would have been short lived and society would not exist today. This gift of sexual intimacy was and is created for marriage only between two people of the opposite sex.

I explained that the physical activity of two people of the same sex is unnatural, as parts of the body not intended for sexual activity are used to achieve gratification. This is not a spiritual love, but simply a physical outlet, which strips the dignity of the sexual act as intended by God.

One of the men mentioned that animals have God-given instincts, but I replied, “We are made in the image of God; we are not animals and we can choose to not act on instincts.”

In fact, Mary and Joseph loved each other and both of them remained celibate in their marriage. I know of a friend who is homosexual and has a committed partner, but there is no sexual activity between them. They each have their own bedroom and are truly living as brothers.

Also, I explained that as time goes on, people in all kinds of circumstances will want to get married. He agreed. The dignity of marriage has been lost by this decision of a court, not a decision by the people, who, for the most part, want to keep the original meaning of marriage in our society as created by God.

In the past, I have explained to this man that same-sex “marriage” is not sanctioned anywhere in the Bible. In fact, in the Old Testament, people engaging in homosexual behavior would have been put to death for involving themselves in such acts.

I understand that people want to be covered for insurance and want to have rights in end-of-life issues, but many legal measures can be taken to insure that people can for the most part be covered, such as living wills, power of attorney, and making funeral arrangements ahead of time in which a person can appoint the people he or she wants involved in making the final arrangements. There are many people supporting one household who still will not qualify for these benefits.

As members of the gay community race to City Hall to get their marriage licenses, I wonder if they have thought of the repercussions down the road. Have they thought seriously of the future, or are they just caught up in this moment? Have they thought of divorce and all the other issues that heterosexual couples have to face every day? Have they thought of what will happen to children they adopt as they grow up?

If God had intended for people of the same sex to be married, then He would have designed the bodies differently &#0151 but He didn’t.

This is just another instance of the human race playing God and pushing our loving Father further and further away from us. As people continue in many other areas of life to take the sanction of God out of His hands and put it into their own, we will have less and less protection from a loving God. The Lord asks so little of us &#0151 just to be obedient and listen to His Laws of living in a just society. In our current unjust society, we have truly become a house divided that cannot stand and will eventually fall.

Sandy Donovan has been a Catholic convert since 1959. A strong advocate of pro-life in all areas, she writes and speaks on hunger, homelessness and pro-life issues. She is also the founder/director of a food pantry in Chelmsford MA and hosts a local TV show, Faith Connections. She has 8 grown children and 8 grandchildren. You may contact her at or write to her at PO Box 394, Chelmsford, MA 01824.

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