March for Life-Fever in France

30 ans ça suffit!” (Thirty years is enough!) was the cry of a group marching through Paris promoting life and family values against the tidal wave of abortion and secularism in France. The group has sponsored its second March for Life that attracted 10,000 participants according to police estimates.

France has lost 6 million children to abortion since its legalization 31 years ago. Demonstrators chanted slogans, “Yes to Life” and “Give Life Rights.”

The French March for Life, as those of Canada and the US, attracted large numbers of young people who have lived with legalized abortion their entire lives. In addition to the French, youth from Spain, Belgium and Germany, representing the four most secularized countries in formerly Catholic Europe, filled the streets of Paris with pro-life chants.

France, Belgium, Spain and Germany rival each other for the lowest birthrates and church attendance in Western Europe outside Scandinavia and the former Soviet bloc. Population experts are waking up to the danger of demographic collapse in Europe.

Ronald Inglehart, director of the World Values Survey said to USA Today in December, “The biggest single consequence of the declining role of the Church is the huge decline in fertility rates.”

The website of 30 ans ça suffit includes information about the abortifacient nature of the hormonal birth control pill and the humanity of the embryo. The website also includes pictures of the group's Paris march.

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