Majority of Teens Cite Their Parents as Role Models

A new survey studying teenagers’ ethical readiness for the workforce conducted by Junior Achievement International found that more than half (54 percent) of teens cite their parents as role models.

The report presents the findings of a telephone survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation, among a national sample of 750 teens comprising 375 males and 375 females 12 to 17 years of age, who were asked to choose one role model.

Most of those who didn’t specify their parents as role models chose their friends (13 percent), their teachers or coaches (6 percent) or said they didn’t have a role model.

Stephanie Bell, director of marketing and media relations at Junior Achievement Worldwide, said that it’s critical for parents to recognize that their children view them as role models.

"Your kids are always watching what you’re doing and saying," she said, "so it becomes more incumbent upon parents to model appropriate behavior."

Link to survey news release by Junior Achievement International:

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