Massive Funding Received by Anti-Life Organizations
In Canada, all abortions are fully funded by taxation dollars. Abortion advocating feminist and other organizations are given millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars from all levels of government, plus funds from wealthy multinational foundations and other sources. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reported that Canada’s Conservative government gave $80 Million to de-population groups in 2006/07. $44,050,000 went to the UNFPA, and $18 million each went to Planned Parenthood and UNICEF.
The Minister for Canadian International Cooperation Minister in the federal Liberal government in the year 2000 unveiled a $2.8 billion five-year plan to promote population control, abortion, abortifacient contraception, homosexuality and sex education targeted at poor nations. The list of abortion funding sources seems endless. By comparison, Canadian pro-life groups have had to work with a fraction of 1% of the amounts give to pro-abortion organizations to counter the influence of these groups.
In the United States, Planned Parenthood receives massive funds from government. Jim Sedlak, the executive director of STOPP International reported that according to PP’s 2005-06 report, the organization received taxpayer funds for that year alone totalling $305.3 million and it has amassed assets worth $839.8 million. According to PPFA’s financial report for 2007-2008, the abortion provider brought in total revenue of $1.038 billion and posted an $85 million profit.
The giant pro-abortion US foundations have given hundreds of millions towards population control related initiatives throughout the world. One of the nation’s ten largest foundations, the MacArthur Foundation, in 2002 had assets of $4.2 billion and was reporting to be making grants totalling approximately $227 million annually. LifeSiteNews reported then that a list of recipients of grants from the MacArthur Foundation includes most of the enemies of life, faith and family that exist on the international level, as well as those in specific countries which the foundation targets. Apart from funding ‘Catholics for a Free Choice’ and International Planned Parenthood, the foundation targets funds towards abortion and population-control-promoting groups in Brazil, India, Mexico and Nigeria.
Then there is the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Packard Foundation and the newer, far larger Buffet and the Gates Foundations – all for many years pouring millions into initiatives and groups around the world that advance what we emphasize is a Culture of Death. A 2002 Vida Humana Internacional report gives some idea of where these foundation funds went to in Latin America at that time.
“The Most Important Work on Earth”
Wealthy principled, pro-life leaning groups and individuals regularly give millions, if not billions to all kinds of worthy charitable and religious organizations every year. This is good. But they still have not caught on that the work that organizations like Campaign Life Coalition do is of an even higher level of importance. Pope John Paul II told HLI’s Father Paul Marx in 1979 that pro-life is “the most important work on earth.” Other leading figures have made similar statements.
“The pro-life movement is really all that there is consistently and daily fighting the death movement,” says Hughes. “They are the David fighting the Goliath and yet they’re not even given the slingshot and stones which were all that David needed to slay Goliath.” “It can be disheartening at times,” says Hughes, especially given the intimate knowledge that the organization has of the great tragedy and destruction of abortion and its many related evils.
The situation is more crucial now than ever in history. In Canada, there is a greater vacuum of political and other leadership on the life issues than Hughes has ever seen. In the United States, the Obama administration is the most anti-life, antifamily government in U.S. history. Under President Obama the powerful American UN delegation has had it’s direction completely reversed and is now committed to pushing a world-wide right to abortion. The growing power of what is becoming a totalitarian EU bureaucracy is a massive threat to life and family.
“In other words,” says Hughes, “there’s never been a time that a strong national and international pro-life movement has been needed so much, including a much stronger LifeSiteNews international news service.” “And yet”, he says, “we are crippled by not receiving even remotely sufficient support from those who should be logically supporting us.”
Hughes says, “we don’t need much, you know, compared to the resources of our opponents. Pro-life workers around the world perform miracles with whatever they are given because of their incredible dedication and the fact that they are strengthened by their religious faith and their passion for justice on this issue.” “But,” he emphasizes, “they do need far more support than they have been getting — especially from the wealthy and influential who are pro-life.
Why CLC, for instance, hasn’t been getting donations of $1 million, $5 million, $10 million — is beyond me,” Hughes says. “But that has to change and very soon. Those amounts would provide the comparative slingshot and pebbles needed to slay the anti-life Goliath with it’s billions of dollars of funding.”
The veteran national and international pro-life leader suggests that “if those with large financial resources give a healthy proportion of their usual charitable donation funds to pro-life, they will save vastly more lives and do more long-term good for the world than everything else that they normally support combined.”
This is About More Than Abortion
“The pro-life moment movement is not only about abortion,” he says. “It is fighting an international movement engaged in a variety of efforts to massively reduce the world’s population.” “And to achieve that”, Hughes explains, “they know they must also eliminate or at least severely limit the influence of religion and traditional cultures that emphasize the dignity and sacredness of human life and the importance of the natural family. They are doing that now.”
“Their movement is a danger to everyone,” Hughes says. “And unless we begin to take seriously that we have to fight this war, all the other things that we fund will achieve very little.” “There will be far less of a future for people of principle and traditional values and a disturbing future for their children and grandchildren in this new world order that will be radically different from what we have worked and hoped for.”
“However,” Hughes stresses, “as big and as powerful as our opponents are, we are on God’s side, so we have truth on our side. We have natural law on our side.” The condition, he says, is that “we need much more support of every kind from those who know what is right and what is wrong.”
The CLC President says, “Right now, our organization, for instance, is struggling to not have to lay off more critically needed staff. It’s not going well. And yet, that is ridiculous. We have so much to do.”
Angel Investors Needed
The little people are still doing their very best for the cause of life. What is needed, as can be seen from Jim Hughes’s comments, is for those with larger financial means to finally come on board.
There is a special need at this moment for what is termed in the business world, “angel investors”, to not only just keep CLC, LifeSiteNews and all the other effective, dedicated groups in the world going, but to help them get to that higher level of organization and influence that will eventually result in more funds coming in to sustain the new level of activity.
The return of investment for the angel investors would however not be a direct financial return on their investment. Pro-life angel investors would receive the same return as all those who have already been giving so much of their lives for this cause — the sure knowledge there that they are contributing their required share to “the most important work on earth.”
At the end of their days they would be assured of the blessed certainty that they responded to God’s call to protect the precious lives of the most innocent and vulnerable of his highest creation willed by him specifically to be with him for eternity.
“In other words,” says Hughes, “being involved in or at least supporting pro-life work with the right motivation, has lasting benefits that cannot be compared to the always passing rewards of the material life. It is a work of justice at its very highest level. It is the best possilble type of legacy to leave the world.”
Some years ago U.S. Congressman Hyde made a speech on the abortion issue that struck so deep to the core of the responsibility and rightness of defending the unborn that it has been repeated on numerous websites and in many print publications ever since. The quote seems to be especially appropriate to end this article.
When the Time Comes by Henry Hyde:
“When the time comes as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, “Spare him because he loved us,” and God will look at you and say not, “Did you succeed?” but “Did you try?”‘