Dear Dr. Steger:
I write on behalf of the clergy and people of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond to express to you, the Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and student body, our profound sorrow at the tragic events of Monday, April 16th.
This horrible attack which brought about the death and injury of so many young people, and the victimization of the entire campus and community, is a defining moment of our time and history. It is an affront to human life and dignity. After receiving the news, I followed with intense concern the developing situation with my heartfelt prayers for your beloved Virginia Tech community. Virtually every Catholic parish in Virginia has student parishioners who attend Virginia Tech. Many efforts to extend pastoral care and outreach, as well as their prayers and concern are being posted on our web site. I also received a message from the Vatican in the name of Pope Benedict XVI which I enclose and ask you to convey to the students, faculty and staff.
With broken hearts we turn to the Lord asking him to strengthen all of us in faith, and to give us the courage that will be necessary in the days ahead. Faith comes to our aid when words fail. All who believe in a God of tender mercy, trust that evil and death do not have the final word. In this truth we now place our trust and draw our strength.
I pledge to you and the Virginia Tech family, the prayerful support and concern of the people of the Diocese of Richmond.
With profound sympathy and prayers, I remain,
Sincerely yours in Our Lord,
Most Rev. Francis X. DiLorenzo
Bishop of Richmond