Kid’s Play: NARAL’s Incredible Spin

Do They Care?

It is simply unsettling to see children used in ads that promote the killing of other children. Certainly, the boys and girls in these commercials don't understand what NARAL is advocating &#0151 as far as they're concerned, they are just being kids, playing Red Rover and riding bikes. Most of them probably don't even know what abortion is. If they did, it might make them cry &#0151 and well, that wouldn't be good for TV.

Not surprisingly, NARAL has no problem taking advantage of these children's ignorance. NARAL neither respects children in the womb, or children who made it out alive. But, somehow, while watching these commercials; NARAL expects us to believe that they care about our children's futures.

(This article originally appeared in National Review Magazine and is reprinted courtesy of Steven Ertelt and the Pro-Life Infonet email newsletter. For more information or to subscribe go to or email

Red Rover vs. Solitaire

While we watch these happy little children running around, a voice-over asks us to consider their future &#0151 a future that might not include abortion. “And what will we tell them, the children in front of us now? What will we say? Will we tell them that once we were free but now they are not? That we had the right to choose but that right is lost?

Does NARAL, one of the most militant pro-abortion groups around, think that by using little kids and patriotic overtones we will suddenly forget what they really represent? If anything, this ad shows just how low NARAL will go. Children &#0151 who just a few years ago were considered worthless in the womb &#0151 are now being used to push NARAL's abortion agenda forward. And, ironically, NARAL chooses to focus on a game of Red Rover, which like so many childhood games is more fun when more kids play. In a NARAL world, where abortion is commonplace, there would be a lot fewer kids playing Red Rover and a lot more playing solitaire.

The AD

Sadly, the real-life mothers of the children in these ads also see nothing wrong with using their sons and daughters to advocate the killing of babes. You can't help but think that the children in this ad are lucky to be alive. Any parent willing to use her child in a NARAL commercial can't think abortion is all bad &#0151 and in fact, might consider it an option for herself. Fortunately, the kids on screen were not selected for termination, but even they will feel the pain of abortion. It will end the lives of their brothers and sisters, potential playmates, and little boys and girls who could have brought greatness to their generation.

The Red Rover ad is not NARAL's only commercial to use children. Another one features a little girl, maybe six years old, learning to ride a bike and what is assumed to be a mother's voice saying, “I want every good thing in the world for you. I want you to know, right down to your toes, that all of life's choices are open to you.”

Watching a child pedal away for the first time may indeed inspire a parent to start thinking about what else is possible for her child, but I doubt that includes her baby's future right to abort.

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