Who Do You Say That I Am?

The Holy Eucharist is the perfect expression of the love of Jesus Christ for man since It is the quintessence of all the mysteries of His Life. (Saint Julian Peter Eymard)

Who is Jesus to me? So many thoughts come to my mind when pondering such a question. How can I put all Jesus is into words? Can my finite mind really come up with words that are deserving enough to even describe him? How can I really and truly in word and tongue answer this question and describe the Son of God, and what He means to me? There are no words that will ever be satisfactory or worthy enough.

As a young Catholic woman, Jesus Christ is my everything, my whole world. He is the Beloved of my heart, and He leads me with His love. He is Perfect God and perfect man in His Resurrected Glory.

It is through the lens of my Catholic faith that I know and truly believe He is the Real Presence in the Eucharist. He is the Bread of Life Who nourishes me physically and spiritually, and He gives me the strength, courage, and grace to continue on the rest of my day knowing that He is with me. I become a living tabernacle, His dwelling place.

As I find myself continuing on my discernment journey, striving to fulfill God’s Will in my life, I know that it is with a deep devotion to our Eucharistic Lord, that He will continue to lead me forward on this path called “life.” I know that, wherever God leads me in this world, I will need to be sustained by the Eucharist by receiving Him daily, and I will need to spend time with Him in Eucharistic Adoration, which will enable me to carry Him with me as I serve the Lord through an active apostolate and mission.

How can we serve God and His people if we are not nourished first by the Son of God each and every day? We cannot offer to others that which we do not first receive ourselves. We will not be able to bring others, especially fallen away Catholics, back Home to Christ in the Eucharist if we do not experience His Love in the Eucharist first. For us to reach out to the most neglected and spiritually abandoned souls, especially to our children, we need to hold Christ in the depth of our hearts.

As a young woman living in the world, I cannot live without Jesus, and I would be nothing without His Love. Christ is the reason why I wake up every morning and live each day striving for holiness so that at the end of my days I will be able to meet Him finally Face to face, and spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

Jesus is the light that leads the way through even the darkest of days, and it is in the Catholic Church with the Blessed Sacrament that Jesus patiently remains in His “cell,” waiting to give us the outpouring of His Love flowing from His Sacred Heart.

It is by sitting in the silence before the Hidden Christ in the Eucharist that the door to my heart remains open wide to continue to accept His Divine invitation to follow Him and to authentically live out my baptismal consecration as a Catholic. On bended knee before the Blessed Sacrament, I forever respond with a “Yes,” like our Mother Mary, giving permission to the Lord to let it be done according to His Holy Will.

When I remain with Jesus for a while I am able to listen to His words that echo deep within me. It is in the quiet of the Church that I can hear His soft, spoken words which are inscribed on my heart. The Father continues to call me to give Him my all, despite my sins and any feelings of unworthiness. He will bring me ever closer to Him in His infinite Love and mercy, and forever I will strive towards following the Holy Will of the Lord God Almighty.

Christ calls us by our name, not by our sins. The devil tries over and over again to discourage us and fill our heads with lies, but if we stay close to Jesus and remain with Him in the Blessed Sacrament, we will be able to permit God to lead us to that which is His Holy Will. Love will always lead the way.

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

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Christina M. Sorrentino resides in Staten Island, New York, and is a freelance writer, theology teacher, and author of the books Belonging to Christ and Called to Love - A Listening Heart. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Ignitum Today and has contributed to various publications including Word on Fire, Radiant Magazine, and Homiletic & Pastoral Review. She has also appeared on Sacred Heart Radio, and has been featured in the National Catholic Register's "Best in Catholic Blogging". Christina blogs at Called to Love - A Listening Heart and can be followed on Twitter @cmsorrps4610.

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