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He had been told not to by an injunction, but did so anyway. He will remain in jail until April 3. At Christmas, he completed a 39-day water-only fast.
Fr. Weslin has been battling the evil of abortion for decades, and calling forth the generosity of others to do the same. He categorically rejects all forms of violence, and the group he established is called the “Lambs of Christ.” Nevertheless, he is considered one of the “violent extremists” by the pro-abortion groups.
But it is not the attitude of the pro-abortion groups that bothers me as much as the attitude of some within our own Church who won't go near Fr. Weslin with a 30-foot pole. They've probably been given “expert” legal advice that any semblance of association with him may get them and their institutions into trouble. Or perhaps they have received “expert” public relations advice that any semblance of association with him may tarnish their image as reasonable and balanced proponents of the Gospel of Life.
I would never advocate throwing legal advice or public relations advice out the window. I pay quite a bit of money to obtain such advice myself in my work with Priests for Life.
But Fr. Norman Weslin is a priest, and it seems to me that our Catholic Faith requires a bit more than the wisdom of law and public relations. Our Faith sees in him another Christ, and in these days especially, the suffering Christ. His hands have been anointed. They consecrate the Eucharist and absolve sin. And as a priest, Fr. Weslin should enjoy the strong fraternal support of his brother priests, and the active support of the Catholic faithful.
Going to jail is not popular. Yet Fr. Weslin believes that while Jesus Christ's babies are being legally slaughtered by the thousands each day, God wants at least one of his priests in jail. It is not that Fr. Weslin seeks jail; it is that he is willing to endure it if it is the price to pay for taking a stand for the babies.
Some say the price is too high. But what if the law said you could not go to Mass, or told priests they could not preach the Gospel? Many Christians have been and still are in such circumstances. What then? Do we obey God or man? Sometimes, jail is the only place for a just man to be. Bishop Austin Vaughan, now deceased, taught and lived the same thing. He realized one day that the three people depicted on his bishop's ring had all endured jail Peter, Paul, and Jesus.
Then, as now, God's Priest was in jail.