Is Your Kid a Vampire Slayer?

It’s the dead of night. Something startles you awake, a cold, jolting rush of air and a flashing image that you only pray is just a dream. You sit up and listen in the darkness. Something doesn’t feel right.

Instinctively, you slip through the house to check on your child. You just need to make sure the kid’s okay and then you’ll be able to go back to sleep. But, when you open their bedroom door you see . . .

What do you see?  It’s every parent’s greatest consolation to see their child sleeping soundly, nestled under their covers.  How wonderful, too, would it be to see them with a rosary wrapped around one hand, having fallen asleep while praying? Throw in a Bible sprawled open next to them and you’d weep for joy, that is, if you hadn’t already fainted. Hey, it’s possible! But, whether we want to admit it or not, we’re a bit scared, for it’s at these times that the possibility of evil seems most real, too.

Evil is, indeed, real

Most parents become painfully aware of this from the moment they are blessed with a child. We suddenly have this little person in our care that we would do anything, even give up our own lives, to defend.  But, in our attempt to protect or shelter our children, do we fail in equipping them with the tools to battle evil? Sure, we tell them not to talk to strangers, warn them to look both ways before crossing the street, and to be on guard against all kinds of predators. But, what about the predator of the soul?

“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle . . . and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, through the power of God, cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.” This is from the traditional St. Michael prayer we say so often, but do we listen to the words? Do our children know that the devil wants to corrupt and pervert everything good in this world, including their souls?

Jesus said it, to beware the one who destroys the soul (Mt 10:28). We have to be on watch, and know how to battle the “murderer from the start” (Jn 8:44). The devil is a sly one, and certainly doesn’t show his true self, but rather subtly, seductively attempts to lead us down the path to destruction. Naturally, we don’t want to petrify our children. We don’t want them to live in constant fear. But, we do want them to know how to be aware of the “wickedness and snares” of the devil and his minions. Christ already defeated Satan when he died on the cross for all humanity. So, with full confidence that our victorious Lord is on our side, we can face evil in the world and show our children how to do the same.

Get Ready for the Fight

The most elementary and maybe the most crucial way we can arm our children, even at a very early age, is to show them how to love.  Self-giving love is the antidote to sin and is one of the greatest weapons against the devil. If we can instill in our children a care for others and a willingness to sacrifice for the good of others, all made possible through a life of Grace, we will be building up powerful soldiers of good.  We do this primarily through our own example. Thankfully, there are many other good ones out there, too.

Allow me to offer one more, a boy named Teddy, from the first book of my new faith-friendly fiction series, Teddy Gyros: Kid Vampire Slayer.  Filled with thrills, laughs, mystery, and heart, the book is a fast, fun read, but also carries a powerful message. In it, I show how evil works toward the ultimate destruction of people and their families, but even a young kid can stand up against it. Heavy stuff, yes, but it’s done in a way that’s not too scary (but scary enough!), and is entertaining and inspiring for children ages 8 to 13– and adults, too.  (Shameless plug, I know. And yes, you’ll have to read it to see who wins in the end!)

I believe that storytelling is a great way to impact our culture. Using vampires as a metaphor for the very real threat of evil in the world, I hope to help parents equip their children with a sense of courage, responsibility and empowerment, knowing that, no matter how big or small you are, with Christ in your corner and His love in your heart, you can and will defeat evil.

When we open the door to our child’s room, we will most likely see them sleeping safely there. Big sigh of relief. They most likely won’t be grappling demons or out fighting vampires, like Teddy does, but let’s hope we can return to our room and rest assured knowing that they can and will, when they have to.

Michael Sortino is a husband, father of four, and an author who strives to make the world a little bit better through the gift of story. See his new book at You contact him at

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