Is the Culture War a Waste of Time?

Bill Johnson is the President of the American Decency Association; a grassroots organization committed to standing in opposition to pornography, obscenity and indecency and promoting personal holiness.

Bill Johnson, of the American Decency Association, gives a point-by-point rebuttal to a letter writer who claims it is:

“I think that Abercrombie and Fitch is fine. If you do not like their catalog, well, then, just don’t look at it. Parents can make the decision because you must be 18 to buy it. Also I find your website to be very misleading when you use words like porn and other key adjectives it gives the wrong impression of the A&F catalog. It is simply an art depiction of attractive people. Find something else to put your time into because I know that in our world there are many issues that do need to be dealt with. this one however seems to be a waste of time. Abercrombie and Fitch is here to stay they have enough power and money to last. Also by even mentioning the catalog you are playing right into the hands of AF marketers.”

POINT 1. Abercrombie is fine. if you don't like the catalog, well, then just don't look at it.

No, Abercrombie is not fine. God has called His children (I am one of His children) to flee from fornication, perversity, adultery, lust.

Abercrombie uses pornography (images created for the purpose of eliciting sexual response) to draw young customers to buy their product. A&F’s pornographic catalog represents darkness. Warning others and urging others to not place dollars in the hands of those who use evil to lure young, vulnerable and undiscerning ones dispels darkness. It isn’t enough just to look the other way. My children have to live in a society shaped by the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch.

POINT 2. Parents can make the decision because you must be 18 to buy it.

Parenting is forever. Even though a son or daughter is 18, we parents care about the influences that impact our children. There are many scenarios. Many 18 year olds (and older) still live at home where parents are still training up young children. We’ve heard of many situation where the A&F quarterly gets in the hands of minors.

Being a Christian parent and being in opposition to pornography goes hand in hand. “I will place no wicked thing before my eyes.” [Psalm 101:3a]

POINT 3. You use words like porn and other key adjectives. It gives the wrong impression of the AF catalog.

Yes. I do use “pornography” and other key adjectives that describe the pornography of Abercrombie & Fitch. Why? Because pornographic is what the A&F catalog is: using images depicting private areas with sexual posturing and facial expressions. I sorrow for the sense that I get from this writer’s words that he has bought into the lies of the pornographer. These are the very arguments that I have heard managers of sex shops make before legislative committees.

POINT 4. It is simply an art depiction of attractive people.

This is Larry Flynt/ Hugh Hefner talk. As pornographers win over vulnerable ones, they gain new clients. Have you noticed that happening? Becoming a Playboy Playmate is being pushed as a special accomplishment by the media.

The little ad card that I found on a table at the Lakes Mall in Muskegon promoting winning a trip to the Playboy Mansion sponsored by Spencer Gifts is but one example of the subtle attack upon our public standards of morality. Excuse me, but Playboy Mansion, Playboy magazine, Playboy logo, Playboy tee-shirts are all marks of sexual unfaithfulness, adultery, and tools to elicit lust with its addictive potential.

The people photographed by A&F for its catalog are very attractive people but they, like their sisters in Playboy, have been duped. They are inadvertently foolish, paid off, puppets for evil.

POINT 5. Find something else to put your time into because I know that in our world there are many issues that do need to be dealt with.

I wish I could put my time into something else. However, there need to be millions of men and women doing just what I’m doing: Countering the multitude of lies that are being foisted upon us by the likes of numbers of companies like A&F, Victoria’s Secret, Playboy, Cosmopolitan, Cosmo Girl, etc. And the list seemingly gets longer with each passing day.

Here's a quote from James Dobson's latest book:

“… I hope you will read very carefully what I am about to write now, because it explains why this matter is so significant. Porn and smut pose an awesome threat to your boys. A single exposure to it by some thirteen to fifteen year-olds is all that is required to create an addiction that will hold them in bondage for a lifetime. It is more addictive than cocaine or heroin. …” (Bringing up Boys by Dr. James Dobson, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.)

A waste of time? Nothing could be further from the truth. Pulpits need to proclaim, warn, urge, exhort all of us to fight the good fight of faith which includes the personal battle against lust, ungodliness, pornography.

A waste of time? It should involve a lot more of our time because many of our loved ones are desensitized and accommodate to damaging themes and images that undermine their morality, sexuality and relationships.

POINT 6. Abercrombie and Fitch is here to stay. They have enough power and money to last. Also by even mentioning the catalog you are playing right into the hands of A&F marketers.

Don’t be so sure. I have inside information that tells me there is more than one indicator of corporate financial vulnerability than just fourth quarter reports. Time ultimately will reveal more. The pornographer always argues that protests will increase earnings.

Even if that were true, it would not alter our responsibility. No. Our campaign to shed light upon A&F’s pornographic catalog serves as a great educator to moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, youth group leaders, Sunday School teachers – those who desire God’s will in their lives.

Together let’s continue to warn, educate, alert, love and live holy lives. A few others will come along with us. We are fighting out of the victory that has already been won for us – in Christ! That victory is a complete victory – an eternal victory.

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