If Al Gore wins, the unprecedented campaign against the unborn will be elevated to a whole new level. Fetal tissue research will gain the financial backing of the federal government to continue harvesting the organs of pre-born babies killed in their mother’s womb by abortion. It would not be unreasonable to conclude that the black market for fetal parts would attain full legal status. Nor is it beyond the realm of possibility for the United States to join with China in openly selling human organs to wealthy people needing transplants. (On October 27th, the London Electronic Telegraph reported that China was now selling human organs on the Internet.)
If Al Gore wins, China will no doubt continue unimpeded her mad rush towards Superpower status. Taiwan will be under constant threat of attack. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have shown us for the past eight years that they are not concerned, and perhaps have even aided and abetted, China’s surge towards world hegemony. A weakened, demoralized and ineffective United States Army, led by President Gore, would be no match for the well armed, highly-motivated People’s Liberation Army led by Jiang Zemin. The infamous Laogais, factories that produce goods for sale in the United States using slave labor, would continue to flourish under a Gore administration. Earlier this year, the Clinton-Gore administration successfully granted China Most Favored Nation (MFN) status, despite the large number of protests by activists decrying China’s forced-abortion policies and brutal persecutions of Roman Catholics in that country. Clinton-Gore has repeatedly demonstrated a lack of concern for religious persecution and human rights abuses. Instead, they wined and dined China’s president and top officials at state dinners in the White House.
If Al Gore wins, home schooling which has become the educational option of choice for over two million American families will suffer. The National Education Association, a federal department that the Carter administration created to thank the teachers’ unions for their support of his candidacy, is on record as opposing home schooling. Given Gore’s ties to the teachers’ unions, it is no surprise that he opposes home schooling. The public school establishment opposes home schooling for two reasons: loss of per diem monies for each child not enrolled in public schools; and the embarrassment suffered by the consistently strong academic performance home schoolers have exhibited nationally. The Clinton-Gore administration’s dislike of home schoolers was held in check by a Republican-controlled House and Senate. With smaller Republican majorities in each chamber, Gore is sure to exercise leverage against this threat to his favorite union.
If Al Gore wins, he would most certainly pack the Supreme Court of the United States with activist pro-abortion Supreme Court justices. It is projected that the new administration will have the opportunity of appointing three or four Supreme Court justices in the next term. Gore has said he would only appoint justices that support abortion rights in all cases. A Supreme Court constructed in the image and likeness of Al Gore would be a disaster for pro-life Americans. Many of today’s most significant moral issues, in fact, hang in the balance including same sex marriage, partial birth abortion, the spread of pornography, federal aid to religious schools and parental notification. A Gore majority on the Supreme Court would wreak havoc on any efforts to contain this spread of evil, setting the moral values agenda back generations.
If Al Gore wins, the United States of America will be on a fast track toward forsaking every last vestige of our Judeo-Christian heritage. The wholesale assault on traditional morality will be reinforced and heightened, with pro-lifers, home schoolers and pro-family activists all being painted as “hate-mongers” due to their opposition to homosexual rights and efforts to stop the slaughter of the unborn.
Luckily for America, there's still a chance Al Gore will not win. We must hope and pray that the vote recount in Florida does not reverse the apparent victory for George W. Bush, and that our great country is permitted to step back from the edge of the precipice.