We all know kids are full of questions–especially
when it comes to discovering how objects work in the world around them. To provide
you (and them) with some answers, we've gathered these videos that take a behind-the-scenes
look at how some everyday objects are built or made. An Ohio mom reported, “This
project introduced me to another category of videos I had not considered. It
also gave me an opportunity to see the wide variety of videos available at the
main library downtown. There were lots of titles on how things work and are
We bet you'll be amazed, too. So grab the popcorn and a hard hat if you have
one, and get ready for these nifty video field trips.
How a Car Is Built (Think Media, ages 4-12).
Buckle your seatbelt for a trip to the Ford Mustang factory. Viewers get an
up-close look at the assembly line where these sleek driving machines are put
Works: Fun and Games (Sony Wonder, ages 3-10).
The kids who star in this video travel from the Works Clubhouse to a number
of factories and workshops to see how some favorite playthings are created.
Get the lowdown on how professionals construct kites, puppets and swing sets.
And you won't want to miss the tour of the crayon factory.
The Teddy Bear Factory (Premier Images, ages 4-up)
Freddy, a friendly talking bear, leads young viewers through the Basic Brown
Bear Factory in San Francisco. See all that goes into building a teddy bear
from cutting out a pattern to sewing the last stitch. Fun facts about the teddy
bear's origin are also included.
“How a Car Is Built” led the pack for our test families. The B. family in Cincinnati
checked out the video from their local library. “It was worth the search. The
kids loved it!” Mom told us. The title was a real eye-opener for the whole family.
Mom added, “I was amazed at how involved the process is–wow! We may consider
a factory tour. My kids already love to go visit the plant where my husband
works. The machines there are fascinating!”
The Hannans were equally impressed with “How a Car Is Built”. They, too, found
the video at their public library. Mom noted that “Jack (4) loved the parrot
narrator and remembered the car video because of it. Jack is very mechanical
anyway, and he was glued to the set. We both found the painting process very
interesting, and we talked about how each person in a factory was responsible
for a specific job and is an expert at it.” In “Works: Fun and Games”, crayons
were the draw. “The crayon factory was very cool and interesting. Jack was fascinated
in the process and by how the specialized machinery operates. These videos were
very thorough. The narration stayed on level and was very well done; both kids
were attentive through both titles.”
We have friends in Philadelphia we are visiting this fall, and this reminded
me to try and see the Hershey [chocolate/candy] plant when we're there. I haven't
researched factory tours on the Internet before, but I will, to plan the Hershey
trip. –The Hannans