Books and Art, Featured, Podcasts

Art as Theology: A Conversation with Timothy P. Schmalz

Whenever an artistic depiction of Jesus makes the news, it tends to cause most orthodox Catholics to cringe. So imagine the surprise of many when Homeless Jesus, a sculpture depicting Christ asleep on a bench, was lauded by many religious writers and was even given a place in the Vatican. On today’s podcast, Michael is joined by artist Timothy P. Schmalz, creator of the Homeless Jesus sculpture that was recently blessed by Pope Francis and has been something of a media sensation. Mr. Schmalz discusses the statue’s rise to fame, the controversy in some places, and how his artwork is inspired by a great devotion to Christ.

Mr. Schmalz expresses a clear passion for the subjects of his work and he is often encouraged by writers as diverse as René Girard and Oscar Wilde. In his depiction of Homeless Jesus, he takes Matthew 25 as his inspiration to show Christ among us in the most humble of circumstances, which can as be seen in his work Whatsoever You Do. Listen to this latest podcast to learn more about this brilliant artist and how art can still be a source of inspiration and a means of Evangelization.


Mr Schmalz sells and displays his art on his website and you can also view his work and hear the latest news on his Facebook page.

Check out Mr. Schmalz’s YouTube video where he explains the process and inspiration for creating Homeless Jesus.

We have, with special permission from the artist, obtained some images of his art that we mentioned on the podcast.

Homeless Jesus Vatican

Homeless Jesus, at the Vatican

Homeless Jesus

Homeless Jesus, Orlando FL

Homeless Jesus, blessed in India

Homeless Jesus, blessed in India

Homeless Jesus at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

Homeless Jesus at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

I Absolve You

I Absolve You.

I Absolve You

I Absolve You

Whatsoever You Do

Whatsoever You Do

When I Was Hungry & Thirsty

When I Was Hungry & Thirsty

When I Was Naked

When I Was Naked

When I Was Sick

When I Was Sick

When I Was Sick, with artist Timothy P. Schmalz

When I Was Sick, with artist Timothy P. Schmalz

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