Now don’t call the police or anything. I’m being followed, and have been for years. At first I didn’t realize it. This guy is really subtle you might even say hidden. It all started in 2002, but I suppose this fella has had his eye on me for years. He’s pretty important. He’s not super rich or anything, but let’s just say he holds some serious influence, and knows big name Persons. Do you know him? He knows you and you’ve definitely heard of him.
He’s Joseph of Nazareth, aka St. Joseph! Heard of him? Of course you have, and you might have even heard the titles Guardian of the Redeemer and Patron of the Universal Church. I first discovered his presence on a trip to Montreal for the International Vocations Congress in April 2002. I was enamored with the Catholic heritage of the city, including the Oratory of St. Joseph, resting place of Blessed Andre Bessett. The exterior of the Church is beautiful, but perhaps the most priceless piece of architecture is the little chapel of St. Joseph, which, like St. Joseph himself, is discreet and hidden behind the main church.
The trip was a watershed experience for me for many reasons, but it was the conscious beginning of my devotion to St. Joseph. This is only the response of his heavenly devotion to me, and each child of God. It would take another couple articles to sketch the developing presence of Joseph in my life, but hopefully this article will be a sort of saint-spark to initiate or step up your devotion to Nazareth’s gigantic soul and Jesus’ dear guardian.
St. Joseph, the Holy Family and the city of Nazareth are shining icons of what Christians call “the hidden life.” This is a pregnant phrase which, amongst many things, means a life of ordinary holiness amidst others, a sanctified life of humility in figurative hiding. We are all in a sense called to live the hidden life. Pope Benedict XVI said in a December address to pilgrims,
“The beloved Pope John Paul II, who was very devoted to St. Joseph, left us an admirable meditation dedicated to him in the apostolic exhortation “Redemptoris Custos” (Custodian of the Redeemer). Among the many aspects that he emphasized, he dedicates a particular importance to the silence of St. Joseph. His silence is permeated with the contemplation of the mystery of God, in an attitude of total availability to the divine will.”
As the Solemnity of St. Joseph approaches, you could try these:
1) Celebrate his feast day usually March 19 but this year is March 20 because the 19th falls on a Sunday
2) Say “Happy Feast day!” to your fathers and friends name Joseph.
3) Ask the Lord and Mary for a greater devotion to St. Joe.
4) Pray to St. Joe: he’s patron of the Church, fathers (spiritual and physical) and families, seminarians, workers (feast of St. Joseph the Worker is May 1st), the Carmelite order, and peaceful death, amongst many others.
5) Get a holy card, medal or other image of him, and keep it around as a reminder of the many virtues of St. Joseph.
It’s so simple to follow St. Joseph. He’s been following you since you’ve existed, so why not make a Lenten resolution to increase your devotion?