Easter Season is a time to reflect on the extraordinary and undeserved gift we have received through Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection — our sins have been forgiven and we are now sharers of eternal life with Christ. The second reading from this year's Easter Sunday Mass says that we too have been raised to life with Christ. Take some time during this grace-filled season to reflect on these marvelous truths.. Below are some Scriptures to help you do this.
He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said (Matthew 28:6).
And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
You have been raised to life with Christ, Set your heart then on things that are in heaven, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Let your thoughts dwell on things there, not on things here on earth. For you have died, and your life lies hidden with Christ in God. Your real life is Christ, and when he appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4)
So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come (2 Corinthians 5:17).
In addition to reflecting on these truths, ask the Lord for the grace and power to live them out in your daily life. In the book, The Binding of he Strong Man, The Teachings of St. Leo the Great by Anne Field, OSB, St. Leo gives us these inspiring words to live by:
"The Lord knows how impossible it is for us of ourselves to set our inconstant hearts on the things that are in heaven, or to keep our minds fixed on things there rather than on things here below. We can only do it if he himself lives in us by his Spirit. However, we have his solemn pledge in the Gospel: "Remember, I shall be with you always, to the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20) . . . In him, we find strength to endure suffering here on earth, and in him we shall receive our share of glory in heaven.
"With a promise like this, what need is there to seek empty pleasures apart from the Lord or to give way to cowardice under trials? There will be plenty of pressures from the to entice us, and there will be plenty of hardships to endure, but the earth is full of the Lord's mercy. Wherever we are, Christ's victory is always available to us. "Have no fear," he told his disciples, "I have overcme the world" (John 16:33). He speaks the same word of life to each of us today, telling us not to fear because he who has conquered the powers of darknessis alive in us as the light of the world. It is always Easter for us as long as we hold fast to our faith in the risen Christ and reject all attachment to sin."
Pope Benedict XVI puts it this way: "All Christians in their own way can and must be witnesses of the Risen Lord."
People should be able to see this risen life of Christ in us by our words, by the way we live, and how we relate to one another. Jesus said that we should love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34) and that we should be one as the Father and he are one (John 17:21). This is still the way we testify to the Risen Lord.
During this grace-filled season, I strongly encourage you to continue to deepen your faith and the life of Christ that dwells in you . The National Fellowship of Catholic Men has several resources on its website that will help you do this. These include:
These weekly podcast homilies provide a reflection on the Mass Readings from the perspective of Catholic men's spirituality. This podcast is automatically available to all men who have registered on the NFCM website. If you haven't registered yet on the NFCM website, take a few minutes to do so by clicking here: REGISTRATION. Upon registering, you will automatically receive the podcasts each week from clergy, who are gifted men of God and know how to speak to men. We encourage you to listen each week.
To go to the web page with this week's podcast, CLICK HERE.
The NFCM HOME PAGE has an excellent meditation and discussion questions for Catholic men on the Sunday Mass Readings. Men's groups all across the country have been using these to go deeper in the study of the Scriptures that are read each week at Mass.
Every day, the NFCM Home Page also provides a meditation on the Daily Mass Readings.
The current issue of the online Catholic Men's E-zine has a five-part series of articles on "The Transforming Power of Prayer". These articles include questions for discussion/reflection by Catholic men, and are an excellent resource for men's groups. All registered users have access to these articles in the current and past issues of the E-zine. If you haven't registered yet on the NFCM website, take a few minutes to do so by clicking here: REGISTRATION
From the NFCM HOME PAGE, you can listen to talks or watch video highlights and talks from several Catholic men's conferences, in particular, the Detroit, Cincinnati, Columbus, Lafayette, and Pittsburgh conferences. This includes the talks from the 2008 Cincinnati Catholic Men's Conference. More talks from other conferences will be added in the future.
CD of the Month Club is a great opportunity to provide Catholic men's fellowship groups (and individual Catholic men) with outstanding talks by some of the best Catholic speakers, including talks from Catholic men's conferences. For just $5 per month, you will receive a new CD every month. CLICK HERE for more information. CLICK HERE to join. Note: Please ensure that the Promotion Code is set to 1204.
Finally, will you help us impact more deeply the lives of Catholic men by bringing the Easter message to them, not just at Easter, but throughout the whole year? Our goal is that all Catholic men experience Conversion and Transformation, and are Mobilized for a Mission to others.
We are supporting over 50 Catholic men's conferences this year. We are providing faith-building resources to thousands of men's groups all across the country, and in countries like the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.
With your generous support, Catholic men across the country will know that Christ can accomplish what seems like the impossible … because HE did the impossible at Easter in defeating sin and death!
Please, help us reach as many Catholic men as possible with Christ's transforming love, so that every Catholic man will take his rightful place in his family, the Church, and our society. And please pray for the National Fellowship of Catholic Men, that our Vision: "We see Catholic Men linked as Brothers in Christ and called to bring him to others" will be fulfilled.
I ask you to consider financially supporting the National Fellowship of Catholic Men, as we reach Catholic men for Jesus Christ and his Church. It is the prayers and financial support of men like you that keep this ministry going. CLICK HERE to make a Contribution.
May God richly bless you and your families during this Easter Season of grace,
Maurice Blumberg, Director
National Fellowship of Catholic Men Center