Habitat for Humanity Needs a Reminder

In case you have not been following the latest Planned Parenthood saga, it involves a potential deal between a Christian ministry, Habitat for Humanity, and the world’s leading proponent of abortion, Planned Parenthood. It seems that Planned Parenthood could not get zoning privileges on its own for an abortion mill it wanted to build in the Rosemary district of Sarasota, Florida.

Can you imagine the whining that must have gone on among Planned Parenthood planners at that point? But then a Christian ministry willing to partner with the evil empire came to their rescue. It makes me sick to think about this, but then I recall how Planned Parenthood got its start and everything falls into place.

Margaret Sanger, so many years ago, set about the business of helping the poor by convincing them that through the use of birth control they could better themselves – at least that was her public message. But the truth of the matter was that she detested the less fortunate, as was made patently clear in her book The Pivot of Civilization in which she argued that,

organized attempts to help the poor were the ‘surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding, and is perpetuating . . . defectives, delinquents, and dependents.’ She called for coercive sterilization, mandatory segregation, and rehabilitative concentration camps for all inferior blacks, Hispanics, poor whites and Catholics.

One has to wonder if the leadership of Habitat for Humanity has ever examined the roots of this infamous organization they seem so willing to help in their time of need to build yet another killing center.

As Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League said:

I don’t see how building a residence next to an organization that kills babies, pushes pornography and covers up for rapists gives a family dignity or safety. We are calling on everyone to contact Habitat for Humanity and demand they break this agreement.

You can help by contacting Habitat for Humanity of Sarasota, Florida. That organization can be reached at 941-365-0700 and http://tsouza@sarasotahabitat.com. Habitat for Humanity International’s complaint line is 1-800-461-9330.

You might want to remind them of the description of their work which appears on their web site:

Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.

Clearly the definition of ecumenical “efforts to promote Christian unity” could not possibly be construed to include the commitment to eugenics that provides the foundation for everything in which Planned Parenthood’s is involved.

In the Wednesday STOPP Report, American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood International has been keeping the grassroots constituents informed of this evolving story and most recently shared the following:

The CEO of Habitat for Humanity in Sarasota, Tony Souza, is telling callers that the paperwork has not yet been signed and that he is having some doubts. But, he says, it is ultimately up to Habitat’s Board of Directors. According to its web site, the current board members are Zeb Portanova, James Frederick, Bob Ripley, Fred Scheerle, Brock Leach, Bill Johnson, Ken Pendery, Bruce Franklin, John Schaub III, Rich Gerrity, Erin McLeod, Mark Usher, Patrick Ryskamp, Laurin Ripley, Dr. Peter Wish, Bruce Wismer, Dr. Peter A. Wish and Janice Zarro.

Please add these board members to your mailing lists and send e-mails to them at http://info@sarasotahabitat.com.

Interestingly, Habitat board member Bruce Franklin is reportedly a principal in the ADP Group, the architectural firm for the PP abortuary.

We encourage all STOPPers to contact Habitat for Humanity and ask that they break this agreement: Habitat for Humanity, 1757 N. East Ave., Sarasota, FL 34234, 941-365-0700, http://tsouza@sarasotahabitat.com.

We also encourage you to contact Habitat for Humanity International to register your complaint. You can reach them at 1-800-HABITAT. They also have a complaint line: 1-800-461-9330. Pease contact both of these numbers and let them know that Habitat should have nothing to do with Planned Parenthood. Contact, Duane Bates, Director of Public and Media Relations 404-733-3079, dbates@habitat.org.

In all of our communications with these people we should reflect our love of Christ and truth, never being harsh or judgmental in our comments. Let us focus on the truth about Planned Parenthood and remind Habitat for Humanity of its commitment to Christian principles.

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