Global Opponents of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia Gather for International Symposium

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, International, (EPC), has announced the organization’s second global symposium on euthanasia and assisted suicide.  Entitled "Never Again," the symposium is scheduled for May 29 and 30, 2009.  The location is the National Conference Center, Lansdowne, VA., a short distance from Washington, D.C .

EPC is among the world’s leading opponents of assisted suicide and euthanasia.  Alex Schadenberg, the nonprofit’s executive director, says the symposium will bring together experts for analysis of the current state of the movement and strategic planning – all for one purpose: to build a unified, focused force to move the world away from the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Over the last year, assisted suicide legislation has sprung up in state lawmaking bodies across the U.S. as well as internationally.  Opponents say the push for assisted suicide is a wake-up call for every part of society.

"Since the late 1990’s," says Schadenberg, "language of proposed assisted suicide legislation clearly shows the proponents’ intent is not as they claim – it is not for personal self-direction and individual choice in end-of-life decisions.  Rather, their intent is that society soon accepts the involuntary killing of those in less than perfect health."

"Assisted suicide legislation is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ and must be defeated," he said. "The outcomes of such legislation strip people of choice and leave all of us victimized by profit-driven health care industry and insurance companies."

Symposium speakers are internationally-recognized assisted suicide/euthanasia opponents from the arenas of health care, law, bio-ethics and disability rights. Among the speakers are Dr. Peter Saunders, Wesley Smith, Esq., Dr. Mark Mostert, Rita Marker, Esq., Dr. William Toffler and Margaret Dore, Esq.

Schadenberg encouraged everyone with a professional or personal interest in the issue to attend. He emphasized the importance of the symposium for those involved in public policy, politics, health care, bio-ethics and the media. The first symposium was held in 2007 in Toronto, Canada.

For more information and to register for the Second International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, visit:

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