"American Life League is eager to lend support to the proposed legislation in Georgia which will define personhood as beginning at conception," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. "Establishing personhood for the preborn child is the most fundamental step in reversing the decriminalization of abortion, which was established nationwide through the deadly Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions of 1973."
Georgians are working overtime on HB1 which, if passed, will drastically change Georgia law to provide meaningful protection for the preborn. The bill, authored by State Rep. Bobby Franklin, has the backing of pro-life groups across Georgia and the nation. A Tuesday morning rally is planned on the steps of the Georgia state capitol, featuring such pro-life figures as Dr. Alveda King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) and Sandra Cano ("Doe" of the Doe v. Bolton case).
"Thousands of children are literally dying every day in this country from surgical abortion. It is crucial to champion proposals that will help to bring this tragedy to an end," said Brown. "The people of Georgia need our support as they work together on this initiative that has the potential to save an untold number of lives.
"Just as we did with pro-life efforts in South Dakota and Michigan last year, American Life League will do all in our power to help this proposal succeed," said Brown. "We encourage pro-lifers across the nation to support legislation that protects human life from the beginning by establishing personhood for the preborn child. This is truly the only way we will see an end to the violent act of abortion in America."