In a recent hour-long interview on the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio, I praised Catholics worldwide for their unwavering stand on the right to life. Catholics have been among the leading voices behind saving countless numbers of God’s most precious from a horrible, tortuous death in of all places their mothers’ wombs.
An Evil Agenda Puts the Pedal to the Metal
Catholics, along with people of other faiths, have stood out in the rain, in the snow and the burning sun faithfully for decades, pleading with mothers not to do the unthinkable and murder their own children.
However, during this escalating culture war, the moral Catholic voice has been by large silent and nearly non-existent on the issues of homosexuality and “gay” marriage until now.
We were no doubt all horrified at the chilling discoveries and numerous cover-ups of the molestation of so many innocent children at the hands of some clergy over past decades. According to the Catholic Church's official reports, upwards of 80% of what the media like to call “pedophile priests” have molested adolescent boys. This has clearly been a problem stemming from homosexuality within the priesthood. Many of these boys (and the lesser number of girls who were victimized by actual pedophiles) are now as adults dealing with terrible, life-long trauma. Some have also tragically gone into the homosexual lifestyle because of their childhood sexual abuse.
Praise God for the recent response from Catholic officials and the newly implemented measures sparing other innocent children from the hands of twisted individuals. However during this time, the Catholic voice was virtually silenced as the Church’s moral credibility came under serious scrutiny.
It is no accident that homosexual activists seized this moment to vigorously press their militant agenda with all of their finances, force and fury. The strongholds gained by these radical activists many claiming to be “faithful Catholics” include, in many states, same-sex partner benefits, legalized homosexual adoption of children (the deliberate denial of a mother and father to children) and homosexual civil unions.
To the utter shock and dismay of most Americans, the unthinkable happened in May of 2004. “Gay” marriage actually became legalized in the heavily populated, highly liberal, and largely Catholic state of Massachusetts due to four radical, activist judges.
While I believe that Satan has used this homosexual abuse scandal within the Catholic Church to try to silence the moral voice of Catholics, I believe God has used it ultimately for good. With homosexuality being the moral controversy of our day, Catholics are beginning to boldly speak out.
What is Possible with God
As a former homosexual, now married for nearly 12 years to my beautiful wife and the father of our two little children (yes, that's my family in the picture), I found the Truth in the Holy Scriptures and in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God’s Holy Word broke through my stony, wicked heart years ago as I was convicted of my homosexual sin through reading of the Holy Scriptures for myself for the Bible says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom 10:17).
I finally made the choice to follow Christ and embraced my true identity as the heterosexual man God created me to be and I have never been the same nor have I ever been happier in my life. My homosexual struggle by God’s grace alone has completely come to an end. That wonderful, new life in Jesus Christ awaits all those who seek it.
Regardless of who we are and regardless of whether we struggle with homosexual or heterosexual sin, the Holy Scriptures are very clear: we all need Jesus Christ in our lives, for He is the Answer.
I beg you to rise up and let your voices be heard. For the sake of our children and future generations, please make a difference in your parish and in your community. Do so with love and compassion as Christ would, trusting that the True Light will always outshine the darkness.
How can you effectively do this?
1. Understand clearly what the Bible and the Church says about the sin of homosexuality.
2. Understand the dynamics of homosexuality that can lead a person down the homosexual path.
3. Never be intimidated to speak the truth in love.
4. Love the individual unconditionally as Christ would, but never condone the sin.
5. Develop a solid, godly relationship with the individual and be a good listener.
6. Help the individual to identify the “root issues” underlying their homosexual struggle. Homosexuality is an outward expression of an inward conflict.
7. Share the Gospel, the Scriptures and the individual’s need for Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit leads. However, never “cram” Scripture down someone’s throat. We want to draw people to Christ, not push them away.
8. Keep the individual in fervent prayer and get others to pray as well prayer truly works!
9. Seek godly wisdom, counsel and guidance from those who truly understand the dynamics of the homosexual struggle.
10. Pour your life, your heart and your love into the individual true love conquers all.
Develop a heart for the homosexual and proclaim the Truth in love, no matter the response you may receive. Remember Christ’s words in the Gospel of John, “They’ll hate you because they hated Me first.” If you are rejected, it is not you they are rejecting but Jesus Christ Himself.
My friend, be strong, be vigilant and be not afraid. Please, before it's too late share the truth in love.
© Copyright 2005 Catholic Exchange
Stephen Bennett is Executive Director and Founder of Stephen Bennett Ministries in CT a pro-family organization advocating for the traditional family, the protection of children and proclaiming the truth about homosexuality. He is featured frequently on most of the major networks and cable news programs and is a National Spokesperson for Concerned Women in America in Washington, DC and the Special Issues Editor on Homosexuality for the American Family Association in Tupelo, MS.
Stephen Bennett has just released a brand new, informative resource titled The 10 Most Effective Ways to Reach the Homosexual for Christ. This one-hour special audio CD (which includes the recorded testimony of Stephen Bennett leaving the homosexual lifestyle) along with an additional Companion Study Guide are now available by going to
Strong Voices at the Top
On February 22, 2005, the Reuters News Service reported that Pope John Paul II declared homosexual marriages are part of “a new ideology of evil” that is insidiously threatening society. The pope took his strong, biblical punch at immorality and “gay” activists worldwide in his fifth book Memory and Identity, published only days ago by Italian publisher Rizzoli.
Nearly two weeks earlier on the February 11, 2005 broadcast of EWTN’s The World Over Live with host Raymond Arroyo, Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze was interviewed. Boy! did this Catholic official set the record “straight” (no pun intended).
Arinze, one of the top Vatican cardinals in the Catholic Church, ended once and for all the debate on all dissenters and homosexual activists including the notorious “Rainbow Sash” movement. His message to these “rebellious religious”: you are hereby forbidden to receive Holy Communion.
According to the dictionary, the term “activist” defines one who “advocates” for any cause. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans, chapter one, addresses those who “approve of” or “take pleasure” in those men and women involved in the practice of homosexuality. It’s not a pretty picture Paul paints and regarding the Lord’s stern warning, I wouldn’t want to be in these activists’ shoes. Members of the Catholic Church now have a very important decision to make: obey their Church’s teachings or reap the consequences.
On EWTN, Cardinal Arinze made it very clear: “The Catholic Church has never accepted homosexuality as normal. You read the Scripture. It’s very clear. What are we examining? Are we going to change Divine Law, how God made us?” A big, hearty “Amen” to Cardinal Arinze.
Yet, while the Catholic Church could not be any clearer on the Lord’s biblical, moral prohibition against the practice of homosexuality, many who identify themselves as practicing Catholics say they simply “don’t care” what the Church says. That brings us back to our dear friends in the “rainbow” state of Massachusetts.
Recently, Catholic public officials were honored at a public ceremony at the Massachusetts State House by homosexual activist groups for their open defiance of Catholic Church law and their personal approval and promotion of legalized homosexual marriage. They claim their support for “gay” marriage comes from living their “true Catholic faith.” While this was billed as a public event, those who opposed the “gay” gala celebrations honoring these Catholic officials and others, were “booted” out of the event and off the property public property their own state taxes pay for.
My… how tolerant of these homosexual activists.
Devout Catholics living in Massachusetts and all across America are outraged and feel betrayed by their elected Catholic officials who do not at all represent their Catholic voice, nor the teachings of their Catholic faith. For many Catholics, they have simply been brought to the point of boiling and have finally said, “Enough is enough.”
The true voice of the Catholic Church in America today is simply not being heard or represented it is drowned out by the voice of a deceptive counterfeit, a loud, vocal minority of wolves in sheep's clothing posing to represent the real voice of faithful Catholics worldwide. There are many of these defiant Catholics around the world who openly are promoting and practicing homosexuality as there are individuals in the other Christian communions. Sin knows no bounds. These deviants will continue to promote, practice and lobby until their churches change their views on homosexuality and sadly, we’ve seen many of these denominations cave in to these extremists.
Many of the Catholic homosexual activists and sympathizers hold public office, teach America's children, are active members of the clergy and are even major figures within the media. I know because I have personally debated a number of them. These are men and women who place themselves above their Church's beliefs and teachings and above those of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures.
While we must uphold our moral and biblical beliefs, we need to love and respect one another and all human beings, for we are all created in the image of God. We are a fallen human race imperfect. None of us is without sin. Having said that though, we have to draw the line when it comes to knowingly and willingly condoning a lifestyle the Bible clearly calls sin.