Gay Hysteria Over Vatican UN Position

On December 10, the French will submit to the U.N. General Assembly a declaration in support of decriminalizing homosexuality. The Vatican opposes the declaration on the grounds that some of its wording could be construed to impose gay marriage in law. The reaction among gay activists has been hysterical. Here are some examples:

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation says the Vatican “brushed off accusations of supporting violence against gay[s].”

The Rainbow Sash Movement says the pope is “the Catholic General leading the dirty war” on gays.

Arcigay, an Italian gay rights group, accuses the Vatican of saying “That it is normal to kill a homosexual.”

Peter Tatchell, an English activist, says “The Holy See is so viciously homophobic” that it won’t oppose “the murder” of gays.

A San Francisco “alternative” media outlet, beyondchron, opines that the “Vatican Doesn’t Care About Execution of Gays.”

The bigqueer blog says “the Vatican doesn’t think that we should stop persecuting, or let’s just say, killing, GLBT people.0”

Daddydanforth blog has a piece entitled “Vatican Thinks LGBTQ Are Criminals.”

Ozwayssomething accuses the Vatican of “condoning those countries that impose the death penalty upon homosexuals.”

“Catholic Church Opposes U.N. Resolution to Stop Homosexual Executions” is the headline on lesbianofcolornews.

The National Secular Society has a story on “Vatican Would Rather Gay People Were Executed Than Married.”

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments as follows:

In addition to these slanderous remarks, three dissident Catholic groups have condemned the Vatican: Dignity, Call to Action and News Ways Ministry. An anti-Catholic group, Catholics for Choice, has predictably chimed in. Moreover, vigils will be held on Dec. 10 outside some Catholic churches.  All the above have maliciously distorted the Vatican’s position.

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