Frustrated with my prayer life – I am stuck!

Dear Catholic Spiritual Direction Family,

Many people feel a profound frustration with their inability to pray, to grow spiritually, to know and experience the Love of God in their lives. If you feel this way, or even if you just experience a kind of flat existence instead of a dynamic and joyful relationship with God, there are answers.

Jesus said, in the Gospel of John, “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I came that they might have abundant life.”

Why is it that we fail to know this abundant life?

The answers are complicated because of our sin and brokenness but there is no doubt that answers are available. The Holy Spirit has provided all the wisdom we need to find and live this abundant life, even when the world seems to be going to hell around us.

Here’s an example of a few people who are finding their way out of the morass into an abundant life in Christ:

“I just want to express how grateful and happy I am that I am taking these courses. Dr. Peter Howard, in his second lecture, expressed the need and longing for heaven (and how short life is) so eloquently that I don’t know how anSuccess climbyone who heard him can’t be moved to follow God in all things. It’s really a good wakeup call for me, and this is EXACTLY what Catholic education should do – not just teach facts or methods, but inspire.” ~ Matthew Manint, MS

“My heart was touched because during the class I found tears in my eyes. That doesn’t happen during a “typical” college course! When the class ended, I just sat in front of the white screen! I sat there for a good minute. I didn’t want to leave…I wanted to learn more. It is definitely not a “Head-learning” class. … But…something touched my heart. I have already felt a change in my prayer life. This week I have been more deliberate and intentional. God seems more personal….so I don’t want to just talk off the top of my head. I want to TALK with Him. Can’t wait until the next classtime!” ~ Brenda Conyers, MO

These are just two examples of people like you, like me, who once experienced far less of God than they do now. Their joy, their peaceNicole Gracia, has come to them because they have decided to take hold of and explore this promise through engagement with the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation.

Join us and hundreds of students around the world who are discovering the joy of the Gospel.

If you have even an inkling that you are ready for a change, need a new perspective, or a boost of faith, give Nicole Garcia, our admission counselor a call at 520-428-4524 or send her an email at and she can help you explore the possibilities. You will be surprised at how affordable it is and scholarships are available.

Know that we are praying for you as you reach out to Him.

Yours in Christ,


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