Following the Ultimate Attraction

My daughter recently came back from the theater excited about the blockbuster movie she had just seen.

“I just love stories like that,” she said, “you know, where there is one person with extraordinary gifts and powers who is the answer to the situation surrounding everyone else. It just makes you want to get into that movie and be with them.”

Isn’t that what attraction is all about? You find someone so compelling that you want to follow him wherever he goes?

Ultimately Attractive

What if there was an attractive person with extraordinary gifts and powers who really could save you in your life right now &#0151 in the circumstances with which you struggle? What if this person brought the fulfillment of all the authentic desires of your heart, restoring you to your truest self? Not only that, but what if this person loved you with a care and attention that transcended even the mortal bonds of this earth?

What would you do if you encountered this person today and saw the fulfillment of everything you hoped to be in his eyes? Would you stop what you were doing, and follow him right out the door in a bit of a stupor — just like in the movies? Would you answer his call, pledge your life to remain in his company and never look back?

I don’t know how you answered, but for me and others throughout the centuries, if the Person was Jesus, the answer has been a passionate “Yes.” Sound, practical, reasonable people have suddenly dropped their nets, given up their attachments and walked away from their fortunes, not out of obligation, but to follow this One Who is the response to every human longing.

A Radical Claim

The Catholic Church makes the radical claim that Jesus Christ has been personally encountered just like this during earthly life — and can be encountered by each one of us today. I know, because in the past decade, this stunning event has happened to me. I did not expect it, nor did I believe it could happen until after my death!

With complete surprise, I suddenly encountered the Person of Jesus Christ and set off in His company and deeper into the life of the Church.

Let me be clear. I have not just encountered the values of Christ, the historical actions of Christ or the morality of Christ. I have encountered Him in such a way that I recognize His presence every day, down to the core of my being. The more time I spend with Him in the Word and before the Blessed Sacrament, the more certain I am of this truth. In fact, Christ’s presence is as real to me as the people in the world who I can see, hear and touch with all my natural senses.

My decision to follow Christ in the Church is the decision to follow the ultimate attraction of human existence. I follow not out of duty, but out of love and a desire for a deeper intimacy with this Person who is leading the way. Through sheer grace, I follow, knowing I am not in charge of the plan, the path, or the destination.

Following His Followers

In the heart of the Catholic Church, I have encountered Jesus Christ in Person through His faithful followers — those attractive Christians who fully receive His presence on Sunday and then live His divine love in their families, parishes and communities throughout the rest of the week.

I have watched how these followers passionately love Christ in each other, with a preference for the poor. I have seen the wonder with which they approach the great mysteries of sexuality, birth, suffering and death. I can’t imagine living any other way. In fact, no movie scenario can come close to the adventure, romance and splendor of following an authentic Christian life.

Given my experience, I can see why St. Therese of Lisieux once wrote: “I’d have plunged through flames to follow Jesus.” Sound like the scene from a blockbuster movie? It’s even more exciting than that: It’s real human life, fully alive.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate attraction. Are you ready to follow?

Mary Beth Newkumet is editor of Life After Sunday.

Life After Sunday witnesses to the wonder, beauty and attraction of a life with Christ in His Church. For more information on Life After Sunday single issues and small-group packages for New Catholics, Mothers’ Groups and Stewardship, visit the website or call 1-800-473-7980.

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